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1. Overview
1.1. Before Starting the Motion Preprocessor
1.1.1. Overview of the Preprocessor Manual
1.1.2. Terminology in the Preprocessor Manual
1.1.3. Steps for Modeling and Testing
1.1.4. Interfaces with Other Software
1.2. Starting the Motion Preprocessor
1.3. Main Window
1.3.1. Layout of the Main Window
1.3.2. Window Relocation
1.3.3. File Menu
1.3.4. Publish File
1.3.5. Journal Record and Stop
1.3.6. Settings
1.3.7. Output Window
1.3.8. Properties Window
1.3.9. Quick Access Toolbar
1.3.10. Working Window
1.3.11. Subsystem Navigator
1.3.12. Topology Navigator
1.3.13. Work Navigator
1.4. Works and Models
1.4.1. Work
1.4.2. Model
1.4.3. New Model
1.4.4. Work and Model Operations
1.5. Files
1.5.1. File Categories
1.5.2. File Types
1.5.3. New File
1.5.4. Unit System for a New File
1.5.5. Gravity in a New File
1.5.6. Modeling Options for a New File
1.5.7. Creating a New File from a Template
1.5.8. Subsystem Settings for a New File
1.5.9. File Operations
1.6. Entity Operations
1.6.1. Entity Creation
1.6.2. Entity Selection
1.6.3. Entity Properties Access and Modification
1.6.4. Entity Picking
1.6.5. Entity Deletion
1.7. Pickers
1.7.1. Point Picker
1.7.2. Direction Picker
1.7.3. Orientation Picker
1.7.4. Transform Picker
1.7.5. MultiFace Picker
1.7.6. MultiNode Picker
1.7.7. MultiPatch Picker
1.7.8. MultiEdge Picker (FE Body)
1.7.9. MultiGeneral Picker
1.7.10. General Picker
1.7.11. Faceset Picker
1.7.12. Patchset Picker
1.7.13. Node Picker
1.7.14. Color Face Picker
1.7.15. MultiEdge Picker (Rigid Body)
1.7.16. Color Edge Picker
1.8. Ansys Motion License Information
2. Home
2.1. Overview of Home Features
2.1.1. Classification of Home Features
2.1.2. Accessing Home Features
2.2. Object Control
2.2.1. Translate Operation and Properties
2.2.2. Rotate Operation and Properties
2.2.3. Reposition Operation and Properties
2.3. Measure
2.3.1. Mass Operation and Properties
2.3.2. Distance Operation and Properties
2.3.3. Angle Operation and Properties
2.4. View Control
2.4.1. View Control from the Ribbon Menu
2.4.2. View Control from the Pop-up Menu
2.4.3. View Control with the Mouse
2.5. Subsystem
2.5.1. Subsystem Assembly
2.5.2. Subsystem Properties
2.5.3. Subsystem Deletion
2.6. Interface
2.6.1. Interface Operation
2.7. Window Control
3. Bodies
3.1. Overview of Body Entities
3.1.1. Classification of Body Entities
3.1.2. Degree of Freedom for Bodies
3.1.3. Body Entity Creation
3.1.4. Location in the Subsystem Navigator
3.1.5. Name Convention for Body Entities
3.1.6. Modify Body Entities
3.1.7. Properties of Body Entities
3.1.8. Delete Body Entities
3.1.9. Auxiliary Features in the Body Category
3.2. Solid Body (Rigid Body)
3.2.1. Solid Body Creation
3.2.2. Solid Body Properties
3.2.3. Solid Body Deletion
3.2.4. Solid Body Output
3.3. CAD Geometry
3.3.1. Import CAD Geometry
3.3.2. Export CAD Geometry
3.3.3. Replace CAD Geometry
3.3.4. CAD Geometry Properties
3.3.5. CAD Translators
3.3.6. CAD Geometry Deletion
3.4. Simple Geometries
3.4.1. Accessing Simple Geometries
3.4.2. Cylinder Creation and Properties
3.4.3. Sphere Creation and Properties
3.4.4. Tri-Plate Creation and Properties
3.4.5. Block Creation and Properties
3.4.6. Simple Geometries Deletion
3.5. Assembled Body (Rigid Body)
3.5.1. Assembled Body Creation
3.5.2. Assembled Body Properties
3.5.3. Assembled Body Deletion
3.6. Region
3.6.1. Region Deletion
3.7. Faceset
3.7.1. Faceset as a Connector for Joint or Force
3.7.2. Faceset (Single) Creation
3.7.3. Color Faceset (Single)
3.7.4. Extract Faceset (Pair)
3.7.5. Faceset Properties
3.7.6. Faceset Deletion
3.8. Curveset
3.8.1. Curveset as a Connector for Constraints
3.8.2. Curveset Creation
3.8.3. Color Curveset
3.8.4. Curveset Properties
3.8.5. Curveset Deletion
3.9. Surface with Curvesets
3.9.1. Creation of a Surface With Curvesets Entity
3.9.2. Surface With Curvesets Entity Properties
3.9.3. Surface With Curvesets Entity Output
3.10. Range
3.10.1. Range as a Connector for Joint or Force
3.10.2. Range Creation
3.10.3. Range Properties
3.10.4. Range Deletion
3.11. Boolean
3.11.1. Accessing Boolean Operators
3.11.2. Unite Operator
3.11.3. Subtract Operator
3.11.4. Intersect Operator
3.12. Split
3.12.1. Accessing Split Operators
3.12.2. Imprint Operator
3.12.3. Circle Plane Operator
3.12.4. Rectangle Plane Operator
3.13. Switchable Body
3.13.1. Switchable Body Creation
3.13.2. Switchable Body Properties
3.13.3. Switchable Body Deletion
3.14. Marker
3.14.1. Marker Creation
3.14.2. Marker Properties
3.14.3. Marker Deletion
3.15. Beam FE Body
3.15.1. Beam FE Body Access
3.15.2. Beam FE Body Operations
3.15.3. Beam FE Body Properties
3.16. Mesh Generation
3.16.1. Accessing Mesh Generation
3.16.2. Mesh Generation Operation
3.17. Change Face Color
3.17.1. Accessing Change Face Color
3.17.2. Change Face Color Operation
3.18. Change Edge Color
3.18.1. Accessing Change Edge Color
3.18.2. Change Edge Color Operation
3.19. FE Body
3.19.1. Comparison of FE Bodies
3.19.2. FE Body Creation (Assemble FE Body)
3.19.3. FE Body Properties
3.19.4. FE Body Deletion
3.19.5. FE Body Output
3.20. Nodal FE Body
3.20.1. Finite Elements for a Nodal FE Body
3.20.2. Creation of a Nodal FE Body in a Mesh (Import FE Data)
3.20.3. Nodal FE Body Properties in a Mesh
3.20.4. Nodal FE Body Deletion from a Mesh
3.20.5. User Defined FE Data Format (UDFF)
3.20.6. Nodal FE Body Output
3.21. Nodeset
3.21.1. Nodeset Creation
3.21.2. Nodeset Properties
3.21.3. Nodeset Deletion
3.21.4. Nodeset Output
3.22. Patchset
3.22.1. Patchset Formulations
3.22.2. Patchset Creation
3.22.3. Patchset Properties
3.22.4. Patchset Deletion
3.22.5. Patchset Output
3.23. Edgeset
3.23.1. Edgeset Formulations
3.23.2. Edgeset Creation
3.23.3. Edgeset Properties
3.23.4. Edgeset Deletion
3.23.5. Edgeset Output
3.24. Elementset
3.24.1. Elementset Creation
3.24.2. Elementset Properties
3.24.3. Elementset Deletion
3.25. Rigid Body Element
3.25.1. Rigid Body Element Formulations
3.25.2. Rigid Body Element Properties
3.25.3. Rigid Body Element Deletion
3.25.4. Rigid Body Element Output
3.26. Point Mass
3.26.1. Point Mass Creation
3.26.2. Point Mass Deletion
3.26.3. Point Mass Output
3.27. Distributed Mass
3.27.1. Distributed Mass Creation
3.27.2. Distributed Mass Deletion
3.27.3. Distributed Mass Output
3.28. Modal FE Body
3.28.1. Generating Modal Data in Motion
3.28.2. User Defined Modal Data Format (UDMF)
3.28.3. Generating Modal Data in MSC.NASTRAN
3.28.4. Generating Modal Data in Ansys
3.28.5. Generating Modal Data in Workbench
3.28.6. Modal FE Body Creation in a Mesh (Import FE Data)
3.28.7. Modal FE Body Properties in a Mesh
3.28.8. Modal FE Body Deletion from a Mesh
3.28.9. Modal FE Body Output
3.29. Nodal EasyFlex Body
3.29.1. Nodal EasyFlex Body Creation
3.29.2. Nodal EasyFlex Body Properties
3.29.3. Nodal EasyFlex Body Deletion
3.29.4. Nodal EasyFlex Body Output
3.30. Modal EasyFlex Body
3.30.1. Modal EasyFlex Body Formulations
3.30.2. Modal EasyFlex Body Creation and Properties
3.30.3. Modal EasyFlex Body Deletion
3.30.4. Modal EasyFlex Body Output
3.31. Sheet Thicken
3.31.1. Accessing Sheet Thicken
3.31.2. Sheet Thicken Operation
4. Groups
4.1. Overview of Group Entities
4.1.1. Group Entity Classification
4.1.2. Group Entity Creation
4.1.3. Location in the Subsystem Navigator
4.1.4. Naming Convention for Group Entities
4.1.5. Group Entity Modification
4.1.6. Group Entity Deletion
4.2. Group
4.2.1. Group Creation
4.2.2. Group Properties
4.3. Beam Group
4.3.1. Beam Group Creation
4.3.2. Beam Group Properties
4.3.3. Beam Group Output
4.4. Auto Contact
4.4.1. Auto Contact Creation
4.4.2. Auto Contact Properties
4.5. M by N Contact
4.5.1. M by N Contact Creation
4.5.2. M by N Contact Properties
4.6. N Combination Contact
4.6.1. N Combination Contact Creation
4.6.2. N Combination Contact Properties
5. Constraints
5.1. Overview of Constraint Entities
5.1.1. Classification of Constraint Entities
5.1.2. Degree of Freedom and Constraints
5.1.3. Constraint Entity Creation
5.1.4. Location in the Subsystem Navigator
5.1.5. Naming Convention for Constraint Entities
5.1.6. Constraint Entity Modification
5.1.7. Constraint Entity Properties
5.1.8. Constraint Entity Connectors
5.1.9. Constraint Entity Deletion
5.1.10. Redundant Constraints
5.2. Revolute Joint
5.2.1. Revolute Joint Creation
5.2.2. Revolute Joint Properties
5.2.3. Revolute Joint Output
5.3. Translational Joint
5.3.1. Translational Joint Creation
5.3.2. Translational Joint Properties
5.3.3. Translational Joint Output
5.4. Fixed Joint
5.4.1. Fixed Joint Creation
5.4.2. Fixed Joint Properties
5.4.3. Fixed Joint Output
5.5. Ball Joint
5.5.1. Ball Joint Creation
5.5.2. Ball Joint Properties
5.5.3. Ball Joint Output
5.6. Cylindrical Joint
5.6.1. Translational Motion Formulas
5.6.2. Rotational Motion Formulas
5.6.3. Formulas for Translational Friction in a Cylindrical Joint
5.6.4. Formulas for Rotational Friction in a Cylindrical Joint
5.6.5. Formulas for Restriction Force in Cylindrical Joint
5.6.6. Cylindrical Joint Creation
5.6.7. Cylindrical Joint Properties
5.6.8. Cylindrical Joint Output
5.7. Plane Joint
5.7.1. Plane Joint Creation
5.7.2. Plane Joint Properties
5.7.3. Plane Joint Output
5.8. Distance Joint
5.8.1. Distance Joint Creation
5.8.2. Distance Joint Properties
5.8.3. Distance Joint Output
5.9. Universal Joint
5.9.1. Universal Joint Creation
5.9.2. Universal Joint Properties
5.9.3. Universal Joint Output
5.10. Screw Joint
5.10.1. Screw Joint Creation
5.10.2. Screw Joint Properties
5.10.3. Screw Joint Output
5.11. Constant Velocity Joint
5.11.1. Constant Velocity Joint Creation
5.11.2. Constant Velocity Joint Properties
5.11.3. Constant Velocity Joint Output
5.12. Orientation Primitive
5.12.1. Orientation Primitive Creation
5.12.2. Orientation Primitive Properties
5.12.3. Orientation Primitive Output
5.13. Parallel Primitive
5.13.1. Parallel Primitive Creation
5.13.2. Parallel Primitive Properties
5.13.3. Parallel Primitive Output
5.14. Inline Primitive
5.14.1. Inline Primitive Creation
5.14.2. Inline Primitive Properties
5.14.3. Inline Primitive Output
5.15. Inplane Primitive
5.15.1. Inplane Primitive Creation
5.15.2. Inplane Primitive Properties
5.15.3. Inplane Primitive Output
5.16. Perpendicular Primitive
5.16.1. Perpendicular Primitive Creation
5.16.2. Perpendicular Primitive Properties
5.16.3. Perpendicular Primitive Output
5.17. Coupler
5.17.1. Coupler Creation
5.17.2. Coupler Properties
5.17.3. Coupler Output
5.18. Gear
5.18.1. Gear Creation
5.18.2. Gear Properties
5.18.3. Gear Output
5.19. Rack and Pinion
5.19.1. Rack and Pinion Creation
5.19.2. Rack and Pinion Properties
5.19.3. Rack and Pinion Output
5.20. Cable
5.20.1. Cable Creation
5.20.2. Cable Properties
5.20.3. Cable Output
5.21. Boundary Condition
5.21.1. Boundary Condition Creation
5.21.2. Boundary Condition Properties
5.21.3. Boundary Condition Output
5.22. PTCV
5.22.1. PTCV Creation
5.22.2. PTCV Properties
5.22.3. PTCV Output
5.23. CVCV
5.23.1. CVCV Creation
5.23.2. CVCV Properties
5.23.3. CVCV Output
5.24. SixMotion
5.24.1. SixMotion Creation
5.24.2. SixMotion Properties
5.24.3. SixMotion Output
5.25. Group Auto Connector
5.25.1. Group Auto Connector Creation
6. Forces
6.1. Overview of Force Entities
6.1.1. Classification of Force Entities
6.1.2. Create Force Entities
6.1.3. Location in the Subsystem Navigator
6.1.4. Name Convention for Force Entities
6.1.5. Modifying Force Entities
6.1.6. Force Entity Properties
6.1.7. Delete Force Entities
6.2. Spring
6.2.1. Spring Creation
6.2.2. Spring Properties
6.2.3. Spring Output
6.3. Rotational Spring
6.3.1. Rotational Spring Creation
6.3.2. Rotational Spring Properties
6.3.3. Rotational Spring Output
6.4. Bushing
6.4.1. Bushing Creation
6.4.2. Bushing Properties
6.4.3. Bushing Output
6.5. Matrix
6.5.1. Matrix Creation
6.5.2. Matrix Properties
6.5.3. Matrix Output
6.6. Translational Scalar
6.6.1. Translational Scalar Creation
6.6.2. Translational Scalar Properties
6.6.3. Translational Scalar Output
6.7. Rotational Scalar
6.7.1. Rotational Scalar Creation
6.7.2. Rotational Scalar Properties
6.7.3. Rotational Scalar Output
6.8. Vector
6.8.1. Vector Creation
6.8.2. Vector Properties
6.8.3. Vector Output
6.9. Concentrated Load
6.9.1. Concentrated Load Creation
6.9.2. Concentrated Load Properties
6.9.3. Concentrated Load Output
6.10. Pressure Load
6.10.1. Pressure Load Creation
6.10.2. Pressure Load Properties
6.10.3. Pressure Load Output
6.11. External Load
6.11.1. External Load Creation
6.11.2. External Load Properties
6.11.3. External Load Output
6.12. Tire
6.12.1. Tire Creation
6.12.2. Tire Properties
6.12.3. Tire Output
6.12.4. Road
6.12.5. Tire Property File (*.tir)
6.13. Motor EM Force
6.13.1. Motor EM Force Creation
6.13.2. Motor EM Force Properties
6.13.3. Motor EM Force Output
6.13.4. UNV (Universal) File
6.13.5. UNV (Universal) File Creation in Maxwell
6.14. Magnetic
6.14.1. Magnetic Force Operation
6.14.2. Magnetic Properties
6.14.3. Magnetic Output
6.14.4. Simulation in Linux
6.15. General Bearing
6.15.1. General Bearing Creation
6.15.2. General Bearing Properties
6.15.3. General Bearing Output
6.16. Gravity
6.16.1. Creation of Gravity
6.16.2. Gravity Properties
6.16.3. Gravity Output
7. Contacts
7.1. Overview of Contact Entities
7.1.1. Classification of Contact Entities
7.1.2. Create Contact Entities
7.1.3. Location in the Subsystem Navigator
7.1.4. Name Convention for Contact Entities
7.1.5. Modify Contact Entities
7.1.6. Properties of Contact Entities
7.1.7. Contact Geometry
7.1.8. Delete Contact Entities
7.2. General Contact
7.2.1. General Contact Creation
7.2.2. General Contact Properties
7.2.3. General Contact Output
7.3. Rigid to Rigid 3D Contact (RTR3D Contact)
7.3.1. Detection Method for RTR3D Contact
7.3.2. Finding Contact Points for RTR3D Contact
7.3.3. Formulations of Contact Force
7.3.4. RTR3D Contact Properties
7.3.5. RTR3D Contact Output
7.4. Flex to Rigid 3D Contact (FTR3D Contact)
7.4.1. Detection Method for FTR3D Contact
7.4.2. Finding Contact Points for FTR3D Contact
7.4.3. Formulations of Contact Force
7.4.4. FTR3D Contact Properties
7.4.5. FTR3D Contact Output
7.5. Flex to Flex 3D Contact (FTF3D Contact)
7.5.1. Detection Method for FTF3D Contact
7.5.2. Finding Contact Points for FTF3D Contact
7.5.3. Formulations of Contact Force
7.5.4. FTF3D Contact Properties
7.5.5. FTF3D Contact Output
7.6. Tie Contact
7.6.1. Tie Contact Creation
7.6.2. Tie Contact Properties
7.6.3. Tie Contact Output
7.7. Faceset
7.8. Sphere to Multi-Curve Contact
7.8.1. Formulations of Contact Force
7.8.2. Sphere to Multi-Curve Contact Creation
7.8.3. Sphere to Multi-Curve Contact Properties
7.8.4. Sphere to Multi-Curve Contact Output
7.9. Cylinder to Multi-Curve Contact
7.9.1. Detection Method for Cylinder to Multi-Curve Contact
7.9.2. Formulations of Contact Force
7.9.3. Cylinder to Multi-Curve Contact Creation
7.9.4. Cylinder to Multi-Curve Contact Properties
7.9.5. Cylinder to Multi-Curve Contact Output
7.10. Multi-Curve to Multi-Curve Contact
7.10.1. Detection Method for Multi-Curve to Multi-Curve Contact
7.10.2. Formulations of Contact Force
7.10.3. Multi-Curve to Multi-Curve Contact Creation
7.10.4. Multi-Curve to Multi-Curve Contact Properties
7.10.5. Multi-Curve to Multi-Curve Contact Output
8. Sub-Entities
8.1. Overview of Sub-Entities
8.1.1. Sub-Entity Classification
8.1.2. Window Layout for Sub-Entities
8.1.3. Sub-Entity Creation
8.1.4. Location in the Subsystem Navigator
8.1.5. Name Convention for Sub-Entities
8.1.6. Sub-Entity Modification
8.1.7. Sub-Entity Properties
8.1.8. Sub-Entity Deletion
8.2. Design Variable
8.2.1. Design Variable Operation
8.2.2. Design Variable Properties
8.2.3. Parameterization Using Design Variables
8.3. Design Point
8.3.1. Design Point Operation
8.3.2. Design Point Properties
8.3.3. Parameterization using Design Points
8.4. Design Frame
8.4.1. Design Frame Operation
8.4.2. Design Frame Properties
8.4.3. Parametrization using Design Frames
8.5. Function Expression
8.5.1. Function Expression Operation
8.5.2. Function Expression Properties
8.5.3. Entities Using a Function Expression
8.5.4. Intrinsic Functions in a Function Expression
8.6. User Subroutines
8.6.1. User Subroutine Operation
8.6.2. User Subroutine Properties
8.6.3. Entities Using a User Subroutine
8.6.4. Common Parameters in a User Subroutine
8.7. Variable Equations
8.7.1. Variable Equation Operation
8.7.2. Variable Equation Properties
8.7.3. Using a Variable Equation
8.8. First Order Differential Equations
8.8.1. First Order Differential Equation Operation
8.8.2. First Order Differential Equation Properties
8.8.3. Using a First Order Differential Equation
8.9. Second Order Differential Equations
8.9.1. Second Order Differential Equation Operation
8.9.2. Second Order Differential Equation Properties
8.9.3. Using a Second Order Differential Equation
8.10. Arrays
8.10.1. Array Operation
8.10.2. Array Properties
8.10.3. Using an Array
8.11. Strings
8.11.1. String Operation
8.11.2. String Properties
8.11.3. Using a String
8.12. Splines
8.12.1. Spline Operation
8.12.2. Spline Properties
8.12.3. Using a Spline
8.13. Spline3D
8.13.1. Spline3D Operation
8.13.2. Spline3D Properties
8.13.3. Using Spline3D
8.14. Simulation Scenarios
8.14.1. Events in a Simulation Scenario
8.14.2. Simulation Scenario Operation
8.14.3. Simulation Scenario Properties
8.14.4. Using a Simulation Scenario
8.15. Materials
8.15.1. General Formulation for Material
8.15.2. Material Classification
8.15.3. Material Operation
8.15.4. Material Properties
8.15.5. Formulation and Parameters for a Linear Material
8.15.6. Formulation and Parameters for a Hyper Elastic Material
8.15.7. Formulation and Parameters for a Plasticity Material
8.15.8. Formulation and Parameters for a Foam Material
8.15.9. Using a Material
8.16. Modes
8.16.1. Mode Operation
8.16.2. Mode Properties
8.17. S-Input
8.17.1. S-Input Operation
8.17.2. S-Input Properties
8.17.3. Using S-Input
8.17.4. S-Input Output
8.18. S-Output
8.18.1. S-Output Operation
8.18.2. S-Output Properties
8.18.3. Using S-Output
8.18.4. S-Output Output
8.19. Arguments
8.19.1. Entity Name in a Function Expression or User Subroutine
8.19.2. "#" Character in a Function Expression or User Subroutine
8.19.3. "@" Character in a Function Expression or User Subroutine
8.20. Material Library
8.21. User Subroutine Using Fortran
8.21.1. Data Type and Array
8.21.2. Calling Convention in Fortran
8.21.3. Example of a Mixed Program with C/C++ and Fortran
8.22. User Defined Python Code
8.22.1. Python Code Operation
8.22.2. Python Code Properties
8.22.3. Python Code Examples
9. Simulation
9.1. Simulation Overview
9.1.1. Simulation Functionality
9.1.2. Simulation Access
9.1.3. Analysis Type
9.1.4. Quick Run for Analysis
9.1.5. Export Simulation Input Files
9.1.6. Simulation Output Files
9.2. Analysis
9.2.1. Initial Analysis
9.2.2. Static Analysis
9.2.3. Dynamic Analysis
9.2.4. Eigenvalue Analysis
9.2.5. Body Eigenvalue Analysis
9.2.6. Frequency Response Analysis
9.2.7. Fatigue Analysis
9.2.8. Thermal Analysis
9.3. Simulation
9.3.1. Main Simulation Features
9.3.2. Simulation Configuration Properties
9.3.3. Simulation Configuration Parameters
9.3.4. Solver Parameters for Simulation Configuration
9.3.5. Dynamic Parameters for Simulation Configuration
9.3.6. Static Parameters for Simulation Configuration
9.3.7. Eigenvalue Parameters for Simulation Configuration
9.3.8. Simulation Scenario for Simulation Configuration
9.3.9. Nodal Output for Simulation Configuration
9.3.10. Body Eigenvalue Analysis Operation
9.3.11. Body Eigenvalue Analysis Properties
9.3.12. Simulation Progress
9.3.13. Thermal Parameters for Simulation Configuration
9.3.14. Result Record
9.4. Durability Analysis
9.4.1. Starting Durability Analysis
9.4.2. Durability Analysis Properties
9.5. Case
9.5.1. Main Simulation Case Features
9.5.2. Using a Simulation Case
9.6. Request
9.6.1. Structural Request Creation
9.6.2. Structural Request Properties
9.6.3. Kinematic Request Creation
9.6.4. Kinematic Request Properties
9.6.5. Entity Request Creation
9.6.6. Entity Request Properties
9.6.7. Connected Entity Request Creation
9.6.8. Connected Entity Request Properties
9.7. DOE
9.7.1. Design Parameters
9.7.2. Performance Index
9.7.3. DOE Method
9.7.4. DOE Analysis Results
9.8. Contact Tolerance
9.8.1. Contact Tolerance Parameters
10. EasyFlex
10.1. Overview of EasyFlex Entities
10.1.1. Classification of EasyFlex Entities
10.1.2. EasyFlex Creation
10.1.3. Location in the Subsystem Navigator
10.1.4. Name Convention for EasyFlex Entities
10.1.5. EasyFlex Entity Modification
10.1.6. EasyFlex Entity Deletion
10.2. Boundary Condition
10.2.1. Boundary Condition Creation
10.2.2. Boundary Condition Properties
10.3. RBE Single
10.3.1. RBE Single Creation
10.3.2. RBE Single Properties
10.4. RBE Pair
10.4.1. RBE Pair Creation
10.4.2. RBE Pair Properties
10.5. PLOAD
10.5.1. PLOAD Creation
10.5.2. PLOAD Properties
10.6. CLOAD Face
10.6.1. CLOAD Face Creation
10.6.2. CLOAD Face Properties
10.7. CLOAD Range
10.7.1. CLOAD Range Creation
10.7.2. CLOAD Range Properties
10.8. Tie
10.8.1. Tie Creation
10.8.2. Tie Properties
10.9. Weld (Two points, Multi-points and File)
10.9.1. Creation of a Weld with Two Points
10.9.2. Creation of a Weld with Muti-Points
10.9.3. Creation of a Weld with a File
10.9.4. Weld Properties
10.9.5. Weld Tangent Direction
10.9.6. Weld Half-Length
11. Co-simulator
11.1. Overview of File Generation Entities
11.1.1. Classification of File Generation Entities
11.1.2. File Generation Entity Creation
11.1.3. Location in the Subsystem Navigator
11.1.4. Name Convention for File Generation Entities
11.1.5. File Generation Entity Modification
11.1.6. File Generation Entity Properties
11.1.7. File Generation Entity Deletion
11.2. M-File
11.2.1. M-File Concepts
11.2.2. M-File Algorithm
11.2.3. M-file Creation
11.2.4. M-file Properties
11.2.5. Simulation Using M-File
11.3. File Generation
11.3.1. File Generation Concepts
11.3.2. File Generation Algorithm
11.3.3. File Generation Creation
11.3.4. File Generation Properties
11.3.5. Simulation using FMI
12. Links
12.1. Overview of Link Entities
12.1.1. Classification of Link Entities
12.1.2. Location in the Subsystem Navigator
12.1.3. Name Convention for Link Entities
12.1.4. Link Entity Modification
12.1.5. Link Entity Deletion
12.2. Path
12.2.1. Path File Creation
12.2.2. Path File Properties
12.2.3. Center Position
12.2.4. Assemble Radius
12.2.5. Rotation Axis
12.2.6. Creation of Sprocket and Rollers for Links (Track)
12.2.7. Sprocket Propertis for Links (Track)
12.2.8. Flat Roller Properties for Links (Track)
12.2.9. Center Flange Roller Properties for Links (Track)
12.2.10. Single Flange Roller Properties for Links (Track)
12.2.11. Double Flange Roller Properties for Links (Track)
12.2.12. General Roller Properties for Links (Track)
12.2.13. Pulley Creation for CVT
12.2.14. Pulley Properties for CVT
12.3. Segment
12.3.1. Segment File Creation
12.3.2. Segment File Properties
12.3.3. Geometry Reference
12.3.4. Segment Length
12.3.5. Segment Height
12.3.6. Connector List
12.3.7. Transform List
12.3.8. Contact List
12.3.9. Creation of Links and Shoes for Links (Track)
12.3.10. Simple Link Properties for Links (Track)
12.3.11. V-type Link Property for Links (Track)
12.3.12. Single Shoe Properties for Links (Track)
12.3.13. Double Shoe Properties for Links (Track)
12.3.14. Triple Shoe Properties
12.3.15. General Shoe Properties
12.3.16. Pin Creation for CVT
12.3.17. Pin Properties for CVT
12.4. Chained System
12.4.1. Creation of a Placing Entity for a Chained System
12.4.2. Placing Entity Properties for a Chained system
12.4.3. Placing Tab
12.4.4. Contacts of Path and Segment Tab
12.4.5. Connections of Segment and Segment Tab
12.4.6. Contacts of Segment and Segment Tab
12.4.7. Bearing Friction Loss Tab
12.4.8. Links Output (Chain)
12.5. Tracked System
12.5.1. Placing Entity Creation for a Tracked System
12.5.2. Placing Entity Properties for Links (Track)
12.5.3. Placing Tab
12.5.4. Contacts of Path and Segment Tab
12.5.5. Connections of Segment and Segment Tab
12.5.6. Contacts of Segment and Segment Tab
12.6. Ball Placing
12.6.1. Ball Placing Creation
12.6.2. Ball Placing Properties
12.6.3. Name Convention for Ball Placing entities
12.6.4. Ball Placing Output
12.7. Cplacing Connector
12.7.1. Cplacing Connector Creation for CVT
12.7.2. Cplacing Connector Entity Properties for CVT
12.7.3. Characteristic Tabs
12.8. Ball Placing Contact
12.8.1. Ball Placing Contact Creation
12.8.2. Ball Placing Contact Properties
12.8.3. Ball Placing Contact Output
12.9. Soil Interaction
12.9.1. Classification of Links (Soil Interaction)
12.9.2. Create Links (Soil Interaction) Entities
12.9.3. Soil Interaction Entity Creation for Links
12.9.4. Soil Interaction Entity Properties
12.9.5. Links Output (Soil Interaction)
12.10. Massless Track Link
12.10.1. Creation of Massless Track Link Entity for Links
12.10.2. Massless Track Link Properties
12.10.3. Characteristic Tab
12.10.4. Driving
12.10.5. Geometry Tab
12.10.6. Massless Track Link Annotation
12.11. Ball Screw
12.11.1. Ball Screw Creation
12.11.2. Ball Screw Input Parameters
12.11.3. Ball Screw Properties
12.11.4. Shoulder Type
12.11.5. Ball Screw Output
12.12. Water
12.12.1. Water Creation for Links
12.12.2. Water Properties for Links
12.12.3. Characteristic Tab
12.12.4. Geometry Tab
12.12.5. Annotation of Water
12.13. Thrust Force
12.13.1. Thrust Force Creation for Links
12.13.2. Thrust Force Properties for Links
12.13.3. Thrust Tab
12.13.4. Piloting Tab
12.13.5. Geometry Tab
12.13.6. Thrust Force Annotation
12.14. Hydro Force
12.14.1. Hydro Force Creation for Links
12.14.2. Hydro Force Properties for Links
12.14.3. Characteristic Tab
12.14.4. Hydro Force Annotation
12.15. FE Film
12.15.1. FE Film Creation for Links
12.15.2. FE Film Properties for Links
12.15.3. FE Film Tab
12.15.4. FE Film Annotation
13. Frequency Response
13.1. Overview of Frequency Response Entities
13.1.1. Classification of Frequency Response Entities
13.1.2. Frequency Response Entity Creation
13.1.3. Location in the Subsystem Navigator
13.1.4. Name Convention for Frequency Response Entities
13.1.5. Frequency Response Entity Modification
13.1.6. Frequency Response Entity Deletion
13.2. Swept-Sine Actuator
13.2.1. Swept-Sine Actuator Formulation
13.2.2. Swept-Sine Actuator Creation
13.2.3. Swept-Sine Actuator Properties
13.3. Rotating Mass Actuator
13.3.1. Rotating Mass Actuator Formulation
13.3.2. Rotating Mass Actuator Creation
13.3.3. Rotating Mass Actuator Properties
13.4. Input Channel
13.4.1. Input Channel Creation
13.4.2. Input Channel Properties
13.5. Output Channel
13.5.1. Output Channel Creation
13.5.2. Output Channel Properties
14. Drivetrain
14.1. Drivetrain Overview
14.1.1. Classification of Drivetrain Entities
14.1.2. Drivetrain Subsystem Creation
14.1.3. Drivetrain Entity Creation
14.1.4. Location in the Subsystem Navigator
14.1.5. Name Convention for Drivetrain Entities
14.1.6. Drivetrain Entity Modification
14.1.7. Drivetrain Entities Deletion
14.1.8. Drivetrain Analysis Type
14.1.9. Drivetrain Designer
14.1.10. Drivetrain Output Files
14.2. Body To DT
14.2.1. Supported Drivetrain Entities
14.2.2. Rules for Naming
14.2.3. Body To DT
14.2.4. Body To DT Properties
14.3. Shaft Set
14.3.1. Shaft Set Formulation
14.3.2. Shaft Set Creation
14.3.3. Shaft Set Designer
14.3.4. Shaft Set Designer Features
14.3.5. Adding Component to a Shaft Set
14.3.6. Designer Property View
14.3.7. Shaft Set Output
14.3.8. Concept Carrier
14.4. Gear Set
14.4.1. Gear Geometry
14.4.2. Gear Set Contact Formulation
14.4.3. Gear Set Creation
14.4.4. Gear Set Designer
14.4.5. Designer Property View
14.4.6. Gear Set Output
14.5. Bearings
14.5.1. Bearing Geometry
14.5.2. Bearing Database
14.5.3. Bearing Formulation
14.5.4. Bearing Creation
14.5.5. Bearing Designer
14.5.6. Designer Property View
14.5.7. Bearing Output
14.6. Housing
14.6.1. Housing Formulation
14.6.2. Housing Creation
14.6.3. Housing Designer
14.6.4. Housing Designer Features
14.6.5. Adding a Component to a Housing
14.6.6. Designer Property View
14.7. Additional Entities
14.7.1. Power Load
14.7.2. Point Load
14.7.3. Measure Point
14.7.4. Unbalanced Mass
14.7.5. Clearance Force
14.8. Assembly Manager
14.8.1. Meshing
14.8.2. Assembly
14.8.3. Power Flow
14.8.4. Request
14.9. EHD Bearing
14.9.1. EHD Bearing Formulation
14.9.2. EHD Bearing Creation
14.9.3. EHD Bearing Properties
14.9.4. EHD Bearing Output
14.10. Cycloidal Reducer
14.10.1. Cycloidal Reducer Creation
14.10.2. Cycloidal Reducer Properties
14.11. Strain Wave Gear
14.11.1. Strain Wave Gear Creation
14.11.2. Strain Wave Gear Output
14.12. Vehicle Simulator
14.12.1. Vehicle Simulator Model Formulation
14.12.2. Vehicle Simulation Creation
14.12.3. Vehicle Simulator Properties
14.12.4. Vehicle Simulator Output
14.13. Motor Designer
14.13.1. Motor Design Creation
14.13.2. Motor Designer Properties
14.14. Motor Assembly
14.14.1. Motor Assembly Creation
14.14.2. Motor Assembly Properties
15. Thermal
15.1. Overview of Thermal Entities
15.1.1. Classification of Thermal Entities
15.1.2. Thermal Entity Creation
15.1.3. Location in the Subsystem Navigator
15.1.4. Name Convention for Thermal Entities
15.1.5. Thermal Entity Modification
15.1.6. Thermal Entity Properties
15.1.7. Thermal Entity Deletion
15.2. Temperature
15.2.1. Temperature Creation
15.2.2. Temperature Properties
15.2.3. Temperature Output
15.3. Convection
15.3.1. Convection Creation
15.3.2. Convection Properties
15.3.3. Convection Output
15.4. Heat Flow
15.4.1. Heat Flow Creation
15.4.2. Heat Flow Properties
15.4.3. Heat Flow Output
15.5. Heat Flux
15.5.1. Heat Flux Creation
15.5.2. Heat Flux Properties
15.5.3. Heat Flux Output
15.6. Heat Generation
15.6.1. Heat Generation Creation
15.6.2. Heat Generation Properties
15.6.3. Heat Generation Output
15.7. Thermal Contact
15.7.1. Thermal Contact Creation
15.7.2. Thermal Contact Properties
15.7.3. Thermal Contact Output
16. Troubleshooting
16.1. Contact Theory
16.2. Contact Properties
16.2.1. Stiffness Coefficient and Exponent of Penetration
16.2.2. Damping Coefficient and Boundary Penetration
16.2.3. Friction Curves
16.2.4. Contact Accuracy
16.2.5. Point Check
16.3. Contact Geometry
16.3.1. Maximum Penetration Buffer Range
16.3.2. Surface Type and Smoothing
16.3.3. Geometry Representation
16.3.4. Parameter Guidelines Summary
16.4. Jacobian Finite Difference Method
16.5. Failure to Detect Contact
16.5.1. Buffer Range is Too Small
16.5.2. Timestep Too Large
16.5.3. Incorrect Point Check Setting
16.5.4. Insufficient Contact Force
16.5.5. Unusual Contact Forces
16.6. Problems with Cylindrical Models
16.6.1. Geometry Discontinuities
16.6.2. Limitation of Point Contact
16.7. Stiffness and Damping Force
16.8. Edge Contact Geometry Distortion
16.9. Energy Conservation and Solving Stepsize
16.10. Small Step Size
16.10.1. Maximum Penetration Too Large
16.11. General Tips
16.12. Legacy File Compatibility with Parasolid Kernel Transition
16.12.1. Mandatory Steps to Load Legacy Files
16.12.2. Changes Due to Kernel Transition
16.12.3. Troubleshooting Guide for Parasolid Kernel