3.16.2. Mesh Generation Operation

Mesh Generation generates solid4 finite elements. The solid body can be selected and the Motion mesh file is created and optionally imported in the subsystem. These operations are described in the figure and table below.

Figure 3.128: Create Mesh dialog

Create Mesh dialog

Figure 3.129: Description of parameters in the Create Mesh dialog

1. Mesh File PathUse to set the file name and path to create the mesh file.
2. Target BodyUse to set the target body by using the General Picker.
3. GeneralUse to set the faceting parameters which determine the mesh quality. For more information, see Figure 3.65: Parameters in the Faceset properties dialog.
4. Add Mesh…Use to add the mesh file on the Model.
5. Import Created…Use to import the mesh file into a subsystem automatically. This option is not available in a part.
6. Create GroupUse to create a group for the target body and entities on the body. This option is very useful to disable or hide all entities on the target body at the same time.
7. Control buttonsIf all necessary parameters are set, these buttons are enabled. For more information about the control buttons, refer to Entity Creation.