3.19.5. FE Body Output

Position, velocities, acceleration, deformation, strain and stress of nodes and elements which belong to an FE body are reported in the Motion Postprocessor as shown in the table below. Output nodes can be selected in the Motion Postprocessor application.

Figure 3.148: Definition of outputs for an FE body

PositionDefinition of outputs for an FE body,Definition of outputs for an FE bodyThe position and angle of the node. The angle for nodes of beam or shell elements is represented by the ZXZ (PSI-THETA-PHI) Euler angle in Equation 2–60 ~ Equation 2–62. Otherwise, the angle for nodes of solid elements will report a zero value [For Node].

For Position: Length

For Angle: Radians

Velocity Definition of outputs for an FE body The translational velocity of the node [For Node].Length/Time
Angular_Velocity Definition of outputs for an FE body The angular velocity of the node in its own reference frame. For nodes of solid elements, the vector is measured in the inertia reference frame. [For Node]Radian/Time
Acceleration Definition of outputs for an FE body The translational acceleration of the node. [For Node]Length/Time^2
Angular_ Acceleration Definition of outputs for an FE body The angular acceleration of the node in own reference frame. For nodes of solid elements, the vector is measured in the inertia reference frame. [For Node]Radian/Time^2
Deformation Definition of outputs for an FE body The translational and rotational deformation of the node. The deformation is measured in the user-defined reference frame that is defined in the Postprocessor and its default is the inertia reference frame. The rotational deformation for nodes of beam or shell elements is represented by the ZXZ (PSI-THETA-PHI) Euler angle in Equation 2–60 ~ Equation 2–62. Otherwise, the rotational deformation for nodes of solid elements will report a zero value. [For Node]

For Translational: Length

For Rotational: Radians

Top_T_Strain Definition of outputs for an FE body The tensor of total strain that is measured in the inertia reference frame. For shell elements, this is the total strain on the top plane. [For Node and Element]N/A
Top_E_Strain Definition of outputs for an FE body The tensor of elastic strain that is measured in the inertia reference frame. For shell elements, this is the elastic strain on the top plane. [For Node and Element]N/A
Top_P_Strain Definition of outputs for an FE body The tensor of plastic strain that is measured in the inertia reference frame. For shell elements, this is the plastic strain on the top plane. [For Node and Element]N/A
Bottom_T_Strain Definition of outputs for an FE body The tensor of total strain that is measured in the inertia reference frame. For shell elements, this is the total strain on the bottom plane. [For Node and Element]N/A
Bottom_E_Strain Definition of outputs for an FE body The tensor of elastic strain that is measured in the inertia reference frame. For shell elements, this is the elastic strain on the bottom plane. [For Node and Element]N/A
Bottom_P_Strain Definition of outputs for an FE body The tensor of plastic strain that is measured in the inertia reference frame. For shell elements, this is the plastic strain on the bottom plane. [For Node and Element]N/A
Top_Stress Definition of outputs for an FE body The tensor of stress that is measured in the inertia reference frame. For shell elements, this is the stress on the top plane. [For Node and Element]Force/Length^2
Bottom_Stress Definition of outputs for an FE body The tensor of stress that is measured in the inertia reference frame. For shell elements, this is the stress on the bottom plane. [For Node and Element]Force/Length^2
Contact_Pressure Definition of outputs for an FE body The pressure due to the contact force of a node. First, the total area for the node is calculated from the surface area of adjacent elements including the node. The total area is then averaged with the number of adjacent elements. The contact pressure is calculated by dividing the contact force applied on the node by the averaged area. [For Node]Force/Length^2
ThermalTemperature Definition of outputs for an FE body The nodal temperature due to heat conduction and convection of a node. [For Node]Temperature
Directional_Heatflux Definition of outputs for an FE body The heat flux due to heat conduction or convection in each direction. [For Node]Watt/ Length^2
Thermal_Strain Definition of outputs for an FE body The thermal strain due to heat expansion. [For Node]N/A