8.14.1. Events in a Simulation Scenario

A Simulation Scenario supports useful events as shown in the table below.

Figure 8.73: Events in a Simulation Scenario

STOPUse to stop the Motion solver with a condition. This function can be useful when the simulation end time is not fixed.N/A
SET MAXIMUM STEPSIZEUse to set the maximum step size with a condition. The solving speed may be controlled using this function.

Maximum step size

(Real > 0)

SET OUTPUT STEPUse to set the output step with a condition. The size of the RES file may be controlled using this function.

Output step

(Integer > 0)

SET FACTOR FOR PLOT OUTPUT STEPUse to set the factor for the plot output step with a condition. The size of PLT file may be controlled using this function.

Factor for plot

(Integer > 0)

ACTIVATEUse to activate a deactivated entity with a condition. This function can be useful when a body with a motion is glued to another body.Force, Joint, Contact
DEACTIVATEUse to an activated entity with a condition. This function can be useful when a body with a motion is contacted with or separated from another body.Force, Joint, Contact
EXPORT ICF FILEUse to export the solution set under a condition. This function can be useful when the solution set under a specific condition is used as a set of initial conditions for another simulation.ICF File name
IMPORT ICF FILEUse to import the solution set at the initial time. This function can be useful when the solution set under a specific condition is used as a set of initial conditions for another simulation.ICF File name
SET TO RIGID BODYUse to change to a rigid body from a flexible body with a condition. If the flexible body has deformation, the rigid body created by this scenario also keeps the deformed shape.FE body, EasyFlex body
SET TO FLEXIBLE BODYUse to change to a flexible body from a rigid body with a condition. If the flexible body is created from a rigid body that has a deformed shape, the changed flexible body has a strain.FE body, EasyFlex body


Even if the time step in which a solver STOP event occurs is not the report time step, the results will still be reported for confirmation.

The following are limitations of use when changing a rigid body to a flexible body.

  • Converting between a nodal and modal flexible body is not supported.

  • It must be represented by a flexible body in the preprocessor.