Function | Description | Target |
STOP | Use to stop the Motion solver with a condition. This function can be
useful when the simulation end time is not fixed. | N/A |
SET MAXIMUM STEPSIZE | Use to set the maximum step size with a condition. The solving speed may
be controlled using this function. |
Maximum step size
(Real > 0)
SET OUTPUT STEP | Use to set the output step with a condition. The size of the
RES file may be controlled using this
function. |
Output step
(Integer > 0)
SET FACTOR FOR PLOT OUTPUT STEP | Use to set the factor for the plot output step with a condition. The size
of PLT file may be controlled using this
function. |
Factor for plot
(Integer > 0)
ACTIVATE | Use to activate a deactivated entity with a condition. This function can
be useful when a body with a motion is glued to another
body. | Force, Joint, Contact |
DEACTIVATE | Use to an activated entity with a condition. This function can be useful
when a body with a motion is contacted with or separated from
another body. | Force, Joint, Contact |
EXPORT ICF FILE | Use to export the solution set under a condition. This function can be
useful when the solution set under a specific condition is used
as a set of initial conditions for another simulation. | ICF File name |
IMPORT ICF FILE | Use to import the solution set at the initial time. This function can be
useful when the solution set under a specific condition is used
as a set of initial conditions for another simulation. | ICF File name |
SET TO RIGID BODY | Use to change to a rigid body from a flexible body with a condition. If
the flexible body has deformation, the rigid body created by
this scenario also keeps the deformed shape. | FE body, EasyFlex body |
SET TO FLEXIBLE BODY | Use to change to a flexible body from a rigid body with a condition. If
the flexible body is created from a rigid body that has a
deformed shape, the changed flexible body has a strain. | FE body, EasyFlex body |