13.2.2. Swept-Sine Actuator Creation

Parameters setting the magnitude and phase angle of the swept-sine function are defined in the Swept-Sine Actuator creation dialog as shown in the figure below. The parameters in the dialog are described in the table below.

Figure 13.8: Swept-Sine Actuator creation dialog

Swept-Sine Actuator creation dialog

Figure 13.9: Description of parameters in the Swept-Sine actuator creation dialog

1. MagnitudeUse to set magnitude of swept-sine forcing function.
2. Phase AngleUse to set phase angle of swept-sine forcing function.
3. NameUse to set a name of General contact.
4. Show Property DialogUse to open the property dialog after finishing the creation operation.
5. Control buttonsIf all necessary parameters are set, the buttons are enabled. If you want to know the control buttons, refer the Entity Creation.