6.12.5. Tire Property File (*.tir)

Figure 6.71: Example of a TIR file for a FIALA tire

Example of a TIR file for a FIALA tire

Tire properties are defined in a TIR file as shown in the figure above. The file is written in text format and contains keywords and values. The available keywords are shown in the table below. The keywords related to a unit system are used as the conversion factor when a value is converted into the model unit system. This chapter will introduce the parameters for FIALA, UA, and PULLING tires. For the other types, you can refer the sample TIR file for each tire type from the installed example folder.

Figure 6.72: Keywords for all tires in a TIR file


Use to set the length unit system. The available length units are as follows.

Micrometer = um

Millimeter = mm

Meter = m

Kilometer = km




Use to set the force unit system. The available force units are as follows.

MiliNewton = mN

Newton = N

KiloNewton = kN




Use to set the angle unit system. The available angle units are as follows.

Radian = rad

Degree = deg




Use to set the mass unit system. The available mass units are as follows.

Miligram = mg

Gram = g

Kilogram = kg

Ton = ton




Use to set the time unit system. The available time units are as follows.

Millisecond = ms

Second = sec



PROPERTY_FILE_FORMATUse to select the tire type. The fiala, ua, mf, ftire, swift, pul and pac types are available. The poly_line and sine_sweep road types are only available with FTire tires. The related parameters for each tire are introduced in Figure 6.73: Keywords for FIALA, UA and PUL in a TIR file.



USE_MODEUse to set the formula type for MF-Tyre or MF-Swift tires. This is only available for MF-Tyre and MF-Swift. For the other types, this value must be set to 2.0.N/A

Figure 6.73: Keywords for FIALA, UA and PUL in a TIR file

KeywordDescriptionAvailable TireDimension
UNLOADED_RADIUSUse to set the unloaded tire radius. For more information on usage, refer to Tire Force.FIALA, UA, PULLING



WIDTHUse to set the tire width. For more information on usage, refer to Tire Force.FIALA, UA, PULLING



ASPECT_RATIOUse to set the aspect ratio. For more information on usage, refer to Tire Force.FIALA, UA, PULLING



VERTICAL_STIFFNESSUse to set the vertical stiffness. For more information on usage, refer to Tire Force.FIALA, UA, PULLING



VERTICAL_DAMPINGUse to set the vertical damping coefficient. For more information on usage, refer to Tire Force.FIALA, UA, PULLING



ROLLING_RESISTANCEUse to set the rolling resistance. For more information on usage, refer to Tire Force.FIALA, UA, PULLING



CSLIPUse to set the longitudinal slip coefficient. For more information on usage, refer to Tire Force.FIALA, UA, PULLING



CALPHAUse to set the cornering stiffness for the slip angle. For more information on usage, refer to Tire Force.FIALA, UA



CGAMMAUse to set another cornering stiffness to consider comprehensive slip. The tire force can consider the effect of the camber angle with this value.UA



UMINUse to set the minimum friction coefficient. For more information on usage, refer to Tire Force.FIALA, UA, PULLING



UMAXUse to set the maximum friction coefficient. For more information on usage, refer to Tire Force.FIALA, UA, PULLING



Tire force can be scaled or shifted under the inclination condition. A Motion Tire object supports parameters to consider these conditions as shown in the table above. These parameters are available for all tire types and the tire force and torque at the contact point can be recalculated using the following equations.




where, the  ,   and   are original lateral force, aligning torque, and overturning moment at the contact point, respectively.   and   are the lateral force and aligning torque offsets due to the ply steer of tire, respectively.   and   are the lateral force and aligning torque offsets due to the conicity of tire, respectively.  ,   and   are the scale factors for the lateral force, aligning torque and overturning moment.

Figure 6.74: Keywords for scale factor and offset in a TIR file

CONICITY_FORCE_OFFSETUse to set the lateral force offset due to conicity.



CONICITY_TORQUE_OFFSETUse to set the aligning torque offset due to conicity.



PLYSTEER_FORCE_OFFSETUse to set the lateral force offset due to ply steer.



PLYSTEER_TORQUE_OFFSETUse to set the aligning torque offset due to ply steer.



LATERAL_FORCE_SCALEUse to set the scale factor for lateral force.



ALIGNING_TORQUE_SCALEUse to set the scale factor for aligning torque.



OVERTURNING_MOMENT_SCALEUse to set the scale factor for overturning moment.



A Motion Tire object also supports a simple PUL tire formula to realize a tire under inclination. The vertical force, longitudinal force and rolling resistance moment are calculated using the same formulas as for a FIALA tire, but the lateral force and aligning moment are computed with parameters for the slip angle   as shown in the figure and table below.

Figure 6.75: Lateral force and aligning moment of a PUL tire

Lateral force and aligning moment of a PUL tire

As shown in the figure above, the lateral force and aligning torque can be calculated by a linear interpolation of the slip angle. The x and y axes are the slip angle and lateral force or aligning moment, respectively.   and   are the intercept for the lateral force and aligning torque, respectively.   and   are the slope for lateral force and aligning torque, respectively.

Figure 6.76: Keywords for a PUL tire in a TIR file

FY_GRADIENTUse to set the slope for the lateral force.



FY_INTERCEPTUse to set the intercept for the lateral force.



TZ_GRADIENTUse to set the slope for the aligning torque.



TZ_INTERCEPTUse to set the intercept for the aligning torque.

