3.8.2. Curveset Creation

A Curveset can be accessed from the Body category on the ribbon menu for a subsystem or part. There are two ways to create a Curveset as shown in the figures below. When the Edges option is used, a Curveset can be created by selecting edges on a solid body by using the MultiEdge Picker (Rigid Body) as shown in the figure below and in the following table. When the Import option is used, a text file which contains position vectors must be defined.

Figure 3.66: Create Curveset dialog

Create Curveset dialog

Figure 3.67: Description of parameters in the Create Curveset dialog

1. EdgesUse to set the edges of the Curveset using the MultiEdge Picker (Rigid Body). The edges must belong to the same body.
2. InformationUsed to display the name of body to which the Curveset edges belong.
3. NameUse to set the name of the Curveset.
4. Show Property DialogUse to open the properties dialog after finishing the creation operation.
5. Control buttonsIf all necessary parameters are set, these buttons are enabled. For more information about the control buttons, refer to Entity Creation.
6. File PathUse to set a file for the points. The file contains position vectors as shown in Figure 4.16: File format for Beam Group.
7. BodyUse to set a parent body for an imported Curveset.