As shown in the table below, you can create a File Generation Entity through several steps.
Figure 11.3: Steps to create a File Generation Entity
Step | Operation |
1st step | Select | on the ribbon menu as shown in the figure above.
2nd step | Select one of the file generation entities as shown in the figure above. |
3rd step | Follow the prescribed creation steps for each file generation entity as shown in the table below. |
As shown in the table above, you can create a File Generation Entity through several steps. The creation steps for each File Generation Entity are shown in the table below.
Figure 11.4: Creation methods of file generation entities
Type | Creation method |
M-File | Key in a name or default name ->Apply |
File Generation | Key in a name or default name ->Apply |
Before creating a File Generation Entity, co-simulation variables such as S-Input or S-Output must be created.