Simulation has five system analysis types for Body Eigenvalue analysis as shown in the table below. The Motion Postprocessor also supports two additional analysis types.
, , , , and component analysis forFigure 9.4: Analysis types
Analysis | Description |
Initial Analysis | Use to calculate initial position, velocity and acceleration. Position analysis determines the positions and orientations of bodies while minimizing constraint violation at the position level. Velocity analysis determines the velocities of bodies with small or redundant initial velocities while minimizing the constraint violation at the velocity level. Acceleration analysis determines the acceleration of bodies and forces while satisfying the constraint equation and equation of motion to zero. For more information, see Initial Analysis. |
Static Analysis | Use to calculate static equilibrium position and force. There are two steps to find the solution. The first is to find a local solution with the Newton Raphson method while satisfying the governing equation. The second is to find a global solution while minimizing position change. The static equilibrium position refers to the positions and orientations of bodies at which the equation of motion is zero when velocity and acceleration are zero. For more information, see Static Analysis. |
Dynamic Analysis | Use to calculate dynamic behaviors and forces. Position, velocity, acceleration, and force are solved in time domain. The implicit method is used for time integration. All equations such as the equation of motion, constraint equation, system variable equation, and integration are considered in this analysis. For more information, see Dynamic Analysis. |
Thermal Analysis | Use to calculate temperature, thermal strain and stress under the heat conduction and convection. Two analysis modes for Transient Analysis and Steady-state Analysis are supported for Thermal analysis. When the thermal analysis is checked under other analyses such as the Static Analysis or Dynamic Analysis, thermal strain and stress considering structural deformation are simultaneously solved with the temperature. Heat conduction between two bodies can be achieved by using Thermal Contact. For more information, see Thermal Analysis. |
Eigenvalue Analysis | Use to calculate the eigenvalue and eigenvector of a system. The mass and stiffness of the system are considered and the damping is not considered in this analysis. Before calculating the eigenvalue of the system, the initial analysis is carried out and its solutions are used as the initial conditions for the eigenvalue analysis. For more information, see Eigenvalue Analysis. |
Body Eigenvalue Analysis | Use to calculate the eigenvalue and eigenvector of a body such as Nodal EasyFlex Body and Nodal FE Body. The mass and stiffness of the body are considered and the damping is not considered in this analysis. For more information, see Body Eigenvalue Analysis. |
Frequency Response Analysis | Use to calculate the response of a system in the frequency domain. This analysis is available in the Motion Postprocessor and the eigenvalue and eigenvector of the system must be present in the DFEIG file. |
Fatigue Analysis | Use to calculate a lifecycle or damage of a flexible body or EasyFlex body. This analysis is available in the Motion Postprocessor and the stress and strain of the body must be present in the RES file. |