6.9.2. Concentrated Load Properties

Force parameters are defined in the Concentrated Load property dialog as shown in the figure and table below.

Figure 6.41: Concentrated Load property dialog

Concentrated Load property dialog

Figure 6.42: Description of parameters in the Concentrated Load property dialog

ParameterSymbolDescriptionDimension (Range)
1. TypeN/AUse to set the force and torque type. When Standard Concentrated Load is selected, the force and torque are defined by a Function Expression. When User Subroutine Concentrated Load is selected, the force and torque are defined by a specified User Subroutine. For more information, refer to Concentrated Load User SubroutineN/A
2. NodesetN/AUse to select a Nodeset using the General Picker.N/A
3. FunctionDescription of parameters in the Concentrated Load property dialog,Description of parameters in the Concentrated Load property dialogUse to set six functions to define force and torque. If the function is not defined, the corresponding force or torque will be zero.Force, Force*Length
4. Direction TypeN/AUse to set the direction type to either Rectangular or Cylindrical. This determines the directions of the specified force and torque. For more information, refer to Concentrated Load.N/A
5. Function ManagerN/AOpen or close Function Expression. When the Description of parameters in the Concentrated Load property dialog  button is clicked, Function Manager is opened. When the Description of parameters in the Concentrated Load property dialog  button is clicked, Function Manager is closed.N/A
6. Function NameN/AUse to set the name of the Function Expression. For more information on usage, refer to Function Expression Operation.N/A
7. Function InputN/AUse to input a Function Expression. For more information on usage, refer to Function Expression Operation.N/A
8. Reference MarkerN/AUse to select a reference marker. The directions of force and torque are determined in the specified reference marker. If the reference marker is not defined, the inertia reference frame is used as the reference marker.N/A
9. Control buttonsN/AIf all necessary parameters are set, these buttons are enabled. For more information about the control buttons, refer to Entity Properties Access and Modification.N/A