10.9.1. Creation of a Weld with Two Points

With the two points option, the welding points on two bodies and parameters can be defined as shown in the figure below and table.

Figure 10.39: Creation dialog for Weld with Two Points

Creation dialog for Weld with Two Points

Figure 10.40: Description of parameters in the Weld with Two Points creation dialog

1. Base BodyUse to set the base nodal EasyFlex body by General Picker.
2. Action BodyUse to set the action nodal EasyFlex body by General Picker.
3. Start PositionUse to set the starting weld point by Point Picker. The first spot weld is located at this point.
4. End PointUse to set the end weld point by Point Picker. The last spot weld is located at this point.
5. Tangential DirectionUse to set the tangent direction by Direction Picker. The direction vector is used to determine the orientation of solid element. See Weld Tangent Direction.
6. NumberUse to set the number of spot weld. The weld points is defined as the number with equal space between the start point and the end point.
7. Half-LengthUse to set the half length for the weld. This determines the size of weld. See Weld Half-Length.
8. Material PropertyUse to set the material property of the weld.
9. Density…Show the properties of defined material property.
10. ColorUse to set the color of weld.
11. NameUse to set the name of weld.
12. Show Property DialogUse to open the property dialog after finishing the creation operation.
13. Control buttonsIf all necessary parameters are set, the buttons are enabled. If you want to know the control buttons, refer to the Entity Creation.