12.3.10. Simple Link Properties for Links (Track)

Figure 12.51: Shape of Simple Link

Shape of Simple Link

Figure 12.52: Profile tab in the Simple Link property dialog

Profile tab in the Simple Link property dialog

Figure 12.53: Profile tab in the Simple Link property dialog

ParameterSymbolDescriptionDimension (Range)
1. DimensionN/AThis is figure to help understanding what to mean parameter.N/A
2. Distance for link-shoe combinationN/AThis is signature for combination link with shoe. After creation link and shoe, user must move link or shoe as different value.Length
3. PitchLPUse to set the pitch of link. The pitch of link is used the length of segment.



4. Height1LH1Use to set the height1 of link. The height1 of link is used the height1 of Segment.



5. Height2LH2Use to set the height2 of link. The height2 of link is used the height2 of Segment.



6. Inner gaugeIGUse to set the inner gauge.



7. Outer gaugeOGUse to set the outer gauge.



8. Boolean typeN/AUse to create pin`s shaft. When "Unite" is selected, pin`s shaft is united on link. When "Subtract" is selected, pin`s shaft subtracted from link.N/A
9. DiameterPDUse to set the diameter of pin.



10. LengthPWUse to set the length of pin



11. Boolean typeN/AUse to create bush`s shaft. When "Unite" is selected, bush`s shaft is united on link. When "Subtract" is selected, bush`s shaft subtracted from link.N/A
12. DiameterBDUse to set the diameter of bush.

