8.19.3. "@" Character in a Function Expression or User Subroutine

The "@" character can be used to define the Vector marker in a Function Expression or User Subroutine as shown in the figures below.

Figure 8.107: "@" character in a Function Expression

"@" character in a Function Expression

Figure 8.108: "@" character in a User Subroutine

"@" character in a User Subroutine

where the predefined BASE suffix refers to the base body or faceset of the Vector. The "@" character requires a predefined suffix as listed in following table.

Figure 8.109: Predefined suffix of "@" character

@BASE/Marker NameUse to set the marker on the base body of an entity. If the body is an assembled body, the expression must be defined as follows. @BASE/PART/Marker Name
@ACTION/Marker NameUse to set the marker on the action body of an entity. If the body is an assembled body, the expression must be defined as follows. @ACTION/PART/Marker Name
@BMUse to set the base marker of an entity. The base marker of the vector force is a floating maker whose position follows to the position of the action marker. Thus, if this marker is used to calculate a force, the Motion solver may fail due to a dependency.
@AMUse to set the action marker of an entity.

The "@" character is very useful for defining a vector force with a User Subroutine when modeling a Links (Chain) or tracked vehicle system.