5.1.7. Constraint Entity Properties

Most property dialogs for constraint entities have two tabs (Relative and Connector), as shown in the table below. Occasionally, constraints have a special tab such as Coupler, containing additional information for parameters and connectors. The contents of these special tabs are introduced in the specific chapter for each entity. In the Relative tab, rotational motion, translational motion, or initial conditions for the relative coordinates can be defined.

Figure 5.15: Property dialog tabs for constraint entities

Revolute Joint OOO (Friction, Clearance)
Translational Joint OOO (Friction, Clearance)
Fixed Joint OXX
Ball Joint OXO (Friction)
Cylindrical Joint OOO (Friction)
Plane Joint OXX
Distance Joint OXX
Universal Joint OXO (Friction)
Screw Joint OXX
Constant Velocity Joint OXX
Orientation Primitive OXX
Parallel Primitive OXX
Inline Primitive OXX
Inplane Primitive OXX
Perpendicular Primitive OXX
Coupler XXO
Gear XXO
Rack and Pinion XXO
Cable XXO
PTCV OOO (Friction)
CVCV OXO (Friction)
Boundary Condition XXO

Initial conditions and relative motion are available for revolute, translational, and cylindrical joints. The initial conditions are imposed on relative displacement or relative velocity and motion can be defined in terms of displacement (D), velocity (V) or acceleration (A). Relative motion of joints can be defined by using a function expression or user subroutine as shown in the table below.

Figure 5.16: Functionalities of main joint entities

TypeConstrained DOFInitial ConditionRelative MotionFriction
Function ExpressionUser Subroutine
Revolute Joint OXOOOOOOXXO
Translational Joint XOOOOOOOXXO
Cylindrical Joint OOOOOOOOXXO

In the table above, the initials are defined as in the following table.

Figure 5.17: Definition of initials


The connector in the property dialog is used to define action and base bodies, constrained location and direction. For more information, see Constraint Entity Connectors.