1.3.12. Topology Navigator

The Topology Navigator shows the dependencies of the selected entity as shown in the figure below. When selecting another entity, the dependency information is automatically updated. In the Topology Navigator, selectable entities are known as Nodes. These can be bodies, joints, forces, contacts, design points, design frames or design variables.

The connecting relationship is indicated by an arrow. The arrowhead end points to the Action Entity and the other end to the Base Entity.

Figure 1.28: Features of the Topology Navigator

Features of the Topology Navigator

The features of the Topology Navigator are described in the table below.

Figure 1.29: Description of the Topology Navigator

1. Topology Navigator windowShows the connected relationships for each entity.
2. BackwardGo to the previous Center Node according to the selection history.
3. ForwardGo to the next Center Node according to the selection history.
4. FitFit the Topology Navigator map to the window.
5. CenterMove the Topology Navigator map to the center of the window.
6. Lock Topology NavigatorLock the navigator to the selected entity.
7. Show Full Name of EntitiesShow the full name of entities (the full name contains all of the assembled subsystem names).
8. Layout AlgorithmChange the layout algorithm to show the relationship between connected entities. Tree or Radial types are available.
9. RefreshRefresh the information in the Topology Navigator.
10. Copy to ClipboardCopy the current Topology Navigator map as an image to the clipboard. You can then copy and paste that image into another document.
11. Save to Image FileSave the current Topology Navigator map as image file.
12. ViewSet the layout of the Topology Navigator. You can show and hide the Filter and Entity List windows.
13. Filter Filter the entity types. Entities that are cleared from the list are filtered out from the Topology Navigator window. By clicking the arrow button, you can expand or collapse this Filter window.
14. Entity ListShow the list of entities that are displayed in the Topology Navigator window. By clicking the arrow button, you can expand or collapse this Entity List window.

When a Node is selected, that Node is referred to as the Center Node. The Center Node is shown in the navigator with a red outline and the other Nodes are placed in a Tree or Radial layout type around the Center Node. You can change the Center Node by double-clicking another Node. The covered range of dependency is from the current Center Node to an adjacent connected body.

Figure 1.30: Description of node types for the Topology Navigator

Node TypeDefinition
Description of node types for the Topology Navigator
The Center Node is the node that is selected as an entity in the Working Window or Subsystem Navigator. It is marked with a red outline (MB in this figure).
Description of node types for the Topology Navigator
A General Node is any node other than the Center Node (RB and FB in this figure).
Description of node types for the Topology Navigator
An Expandable Node is a node that has connections other than the current connection. It is marked with a double outline (RB in this figure).

The supported entities in the Topology Navigator are shown in the following table.

Figure 1.31: Supporting entities in the Topology Navigator.

Entity TypeEntity NameMain Name of NodeSub Name of Node
BodySolid BodyRB-
Assembled BodyRB-
EasyFlex Nodal BodyMBN
EasyFlex Modal BodyMBM
FE Nodal BodyFBN
FE Modal BodyFBM
ConnectionRevolute JointJRV
Translational JointJTR
Fixed JointJFX
Ball JointJBA
Cylindrical JointJCY
Plane JointJPL
Distance JointJDI
Universal JointJUV
Screw JointJSC
Constant Velocity JointJCV
Orientation ConstraintJOR
Parallel ConstraintJPR
Inline ConstraintJIL
Inplane ConstraintJIP
Perpendicular ConstraintJPP
Coupler ConstraintJCP
Gear ConstraintJGR
Rack & Pinion ConstraintJRP
Cable ConstraintJCB
Boundary ConditionJBC
Spring ForceFTS
Rotational Spring ForceFRS
Busing ForceFBS
Matrix ForceFMX
Translational Scalar ForceFTF
Rotational Scalar ForceFRF
Vector ForceFVF
Concentrated ForceFCL
Pressure ForceFPL
Tire ForceFTI
General Bearing ForceFBR
Single Body track ForceFTR
General ContactCGC
Rigid to Rigid ContactCRR
Flexible to Rigid ContactCFR
Flexible to Flexible ContactCFF
Sphere to Multicurve ContactCSM
Cylinder to MulticurveCCM
Multicurve to MulticurveCMM
Tie ContactCTC
Design SubentityDesign FrameDF-
Design PointDP-
Design VariableDV-

Various features are supported in a drop-down menu as with the Subsystem Navigator (see Subsystem Navigator for more information).

Figure 1.32: Drop-down menus in the Topology Navigator

Drop-down menus in the Topology Navigator