5.3.2. Translational Joint Properties

Relative motion and connector parameters can be modified from the Translational Joint property dialog as shown in the figure below. Relative motion parameters such as translational motion and initial conditions are defined in the table that follows. User Subroutines are explained in Motion User Subroutine.

Figure 5.34: Relative tab in the Translational Joint property dialog

Relative tab in the Translational Joint property dialog

Figure 5.35: Description of Relative parameters in the Translational Joint property dialog

ParameterSymbolDescriptionDimension (Range)
1. TypeN/AUse to select a type of relative motion. When the type is Motion Function, you can add translational motion to the joint. When the type is Initial Conditions, you can apply initial conditions to the joint. When the type is Motion User Subroutine, you can add the translational motion as a user subroutine.N/A
2. Motion TypeN/AUse to select the level of the constraint. When the type is Displacement, the relative displacement between the two markers is restricted to the specified function. When the type is Velocity, the relative velocity between the two markers is restricted to the specified function. When the type is Acceleration, the relative acceleration between the two markers is restricted to the specified function.N/A
3. Function NameN/AUse to set the name of the function expression.



4. Function Input Description of Relative parameters in the Translational Joint property dialog Use to set the function for the translational motion. It is possible to set one of pre-defined function expressions. For more information, refer to Function Expression.



5. Displacement Description of Relative parameters in the Translational Joint property dialog Use to set the initial relative displacement between the two markers.Length (Real)
6. Velocity Description of Relative parameters in the Translational Joint property dialog Use to set the initial velocity between the two markers.



7. Plus DisplacementN/AUse to set the maximum relative displacement. If this option is selected, it restricts the relative displacement of the joint to less than the specified value.



8. Minus DisplacementN/AUse to set the minimum relative displacement. If this option is selected, it restricts the relative displacement of the joint to be more than the specified value.



9. Show advanced optionN/AUse to show Advance tab.N/A
10. Control buttonsN/AIf all necessary parameters are set, these buttons are enabled. For more information about the control buttons, refer to Entity Properties Access and Modification.N/A

Information about connector parameters can be found in Constraint Entity Connectors.

Friction parameters are defined as shown in the figure and table below. For more information on their usage, refer to Friction in a Translational Joint in the Motion Theory Reference.

Figure 5.36: Friction tab in the Translational Joint property dialog

Friction tab in the Translational Joint property dialog

Figure 5.37: Description of Friction parameters in the Translational Joint property dialog

ParameterSymbolDescriptionDimension (Range)
1. Use FrictionN/AIf this option is selected, the friction torque will be added to the joint.N/A
2. Friction CoefficientDescription of Friction parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to set the friction coefficient.



3. Static Friction CoefficientDescription of Friction parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to set the static friction coefficient.



4. Dynamics ThresholdDescription of Friction parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to set the dynamic threshold.



5. Stiction VelocityDescription of Friction parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to set the stiction velocity.



6. Max Stiction DeformationDescription of Friction parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to set the maximum deformation under stiction.



7. Friction EffectN/AUse to select one of the friction effects. When Sliding and Stiction is selected, the friction coefficient is calculated from Equation 5–42 ~ Equation 5–47 in the Motion Theory Reference. When Sliding Only is selected, the friction coefficient is calculated from Equation 5–44. When Stiction Only is selected, the friction coefficient is calculated from Equation 5–47.N/A
8. Reaction ForceN/AIf this option is selected, the reaction forces on x-y plane are considered for the friction torque.N/A
9. Bending MomentN/AIf this option is selected, the bending moment is considered for the friction force.N/A
10. Torsional MomentN/AIf this option is selected, the torsional moment is considered for the friction torque.N/A
11. Reaction ArmDescription of Friction parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to define the equivalent contact radius



12. pre forceDescription of Friction parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to define the pre-defined frictional forceForce
13. Initial overlapDescription of Friction parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to define the initial overlap.



14. Overlap optionN/AUse to select one of the overlap options. When Constant is selected, the overlap length will be constant as the initial overlap. When Increase is selected, the overlap length is calculated from Equation 5–52 in the Motion Theory Reference. When Decrease is selected, the overlap length is calculated from Equation 5–54.N/A
15. Control buttonsN/AIf all necessary parameters are set, these buttons are enabled. For more information about the control buttons, refer to Entity Properties Access and Modification.N/A

Parameters for clearance are defined as shown in the figure and table below. For more information about their usage, you can refer to Clearance in a Translational Joint in the Motion Theory Reference.

Figure 5.38: Clearance tab in the Translational Joint property dialog

Clearance tab in the Translational Joint property dialog

Figure 5.39: Description of Clearance parameters in the Translational Joint property dialog

ParameterSymbolDescriptionDimension (Range)
1. Use ClearanceN/AIf this option is selected, clerance will be activated.N/A
2. X ClearanceDescription of Clearance parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to define the clearance in the x-axis direction of the base marker.



3. Y ClearanceDescription of Clearance parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to define the clearance in the y-axis direction of the base marker.



4. Stiffness CoefficientDescription of Clearance parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to define the contact stiffness.



5. Exponent of PenetrationDescription of Clearance parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to define the exponent of penetration.N/A
6. Max Damping CoefficientDescription of Clearance parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to define the maximum damping coefficient.Force*Time/



7. Damping Effect in VoidN/AUse to activate the damping effect in the vacant space.N/A

Advance tab parameters are defined as shown in the figure and table below. For more information on their usage, refer to Restriction Force in a Translational Joint in the Motion Theory Reference.

Figure 5.40: Advance tab in the Translational Joint property dialog

Advance tab in the Translational Joint property dialog

Figure 5.41: Description of Advance parameters in the Translational Joint property dialog

ParameterSymbolDescriptionDimension (Range)
1. Stiffness CoefficientDescription of Advance parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to set the stiffness coefficient in Restriction Force in a Translational Joint

Force /(Length^n)


2. Exponent of PenetrationDescription of Advance parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to set the exponent of penetration in Restriction Force in a Translational Joint



3. Max. Damping CoefficientDescription of Advance parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to set the maximum damping coefficient in Restriction Force in a Translational Joint

Force *Time/Length


4. Boundary PenetrationDescription of Advance parameters in the Translational Joint property dialogUse to set the boundary penetration value in Restriction Force in a Translational Joint

