9.6.3. Kinematic Request Creation

A Kinematic Request can be created by selecting a Faceset or Marker. Parameters in the creation dialog are defined in the figure and table below.

Figure 9.65: Kinematic Request creation dialog

Kinematic Request creation dialog

Figure 9.66: Description of parameters in the Kinematic Request creation dialog

1. Action EntityUse to set a faceset or marker for the action entity by General Picker. When the faceset is selected as the action entity, the center of the faceset will be defined as the position for the action entity.
2. Base EntityUse to set a faceset or marker for the base entity by General Picker. When the faceset is selected as the base entity, the center of the faceset will be defined as the position for the base entity. If the base entity is not defined, the inertial reference frame is internally used as the base entity.
3. Reference MarkerUse to set a marker by General Picker. The result will be measured in the reference marker. If the reference marker is not defined, the inertial reference frame is internally used as the reference marker.
4. NameUse to set a name of Kinematic Request.
5. Show Property DialogUse to open the property dialog after finishing the creation operation.
6. Control buttonsIf all necessary parameters are set, the buttons are enabled. If you want to know the control buttons, refer the Entity Creation.