6.5.3. Matrix Output

Deformation, its time derivatives, forces and torques are reported in the Motion Postprocessor as shown in the table below.

Figure 6.29: Definition of Matrix outputs

Force_on_Action_Marker Definition of Matrix outputs

The acting force vector on the action marker can be calculated as follows:

Definition of Matrix outputs

where the variables Definition of Matrix outputs and Definition of Matrix outputs are defined in Matrix Force.

- Measure_in_Base_Marker Definition of Matrix outputs

The acting force vector is transformed into the reference frame of the base marker as follows:

Definition of Matrix outputs

- Measure_in_Action_Marker Definition of Matrix outputs

The acting force vector is transformed into the reference frame of the action marker as follows:

Definition of Matrix outputs

where the variable Definition of Matrix outputs is defined in Matrix Force.

Torque_on_Action_Marker Definition of Matrix outputs

The acting torque vector on the action marker can be calculated as follows:

Definition of Matrix outputs

where the variables Definition of Matrix outputs and Definition of Matrix outputs are defined in Matrix Force.

- Measure_in_Base_Marker Definition of Matrix outputs

The acting torque vector is transformed into the reference frame of the base marker as follows:

Definition of Matrix outputs

- Measure_in_Action_Marker Definition of Matrix outputs

The acting force vector is transformed into the reference frame of the action marker as follows:

Definition of Matrix outputs

Force_on_Base_Marker Definition of Matrix outputs

The reacting force vector on the base marker can be represented as follows:

Definition of Matrix outputs

where the variable Definition of Matrix outputs is defined in Matrix Force.

- Measure_in_Base_Marker Definition of Matrix outputs

The reacting force vector is transformed into the reference frame of the base marker as follows:

Definition of Matrix outputs

- Measure_in_Action_Marker Definition of Matrix outputs

The reacting force vector is transformed into the reference frame of the action marker as follows:

Definition of Matrix outputs

Torque_on_Base_Marker Definition of Matrix outputs

The reacting torque vector on the base marker can be represented as follows:

Definition of Matrix outputs

where the variable Definition of Matrix outputs is defined in Matrix Force.

- Measure_in_Base_Marker Definition of Matrix outputs

The reacting torque vector is transformed into the reference frame of the base marker as follows:

Definition of Matrix outputs

- Measure_in_Action_Marker Definition of Matrix outputs

The reacting torque vector is transformed into the reference frame of the action marker as follows:

Definition of Matrix outputs

Translational_Deformation Definition of Matrix outputs The relative displacement between the two markers is defined in Matrix Force.Length
AX_AY_AZ_Projection_Angle Definition of Matrix outputs The relative angle between the two markers can be represented by the ROLL-PITCH-YAW angle and calculated in Matrix Force.Radian
Relative_Translational_Velocity Definition of Matrix outputs The relative velocity between the two markers is defined in Matrix Force.Length/Time
Relative_Angular_Velocity Definition of Matrix outputs The relative angular velocity between the two markers is defined in Matrix Force.Radian/Time
Relative_Translational_Acceleration Definition of Matrix outputs

The relative acceleration between the two markers is calculated as follows:

Definition of Matrix outputs

Relative_Angular_Acceleration Definition of Matrix outputs

The relative angular acceleration between the two markers is calculated as follows:

Definition of Matrix outputs
