1.6.1. Entity Creation

There are two methods for entity creation. One is started by clicking the entity button on the ribbon menu as shown in Figure 1.62: Entity creation from the ribbon menu. The creation dialog will then be opened as shown in Figure 1.63: Entity creation dialog. If all required parameters are defined, the Apply and Apply & Restart buttons are activated to allow you to finish the creation operation. All entities in the ribbon menus can be created in this way.

Figure 1.62: Entity creation from the ribbon menu

Entity creation from the ribbon menu

Figure 1.63: Entity creation dialog

Entity creation dialog

Figure 1.64: Creation operations for an entity

1. Click TabDisplay an entity button by clicking the tab of the category on the ribbon menu to which the entity belongs, as shown in Figure 1.62: Entity creation from the ribbon menu. For example, the general contact entity belongs to the Contact category.
2. Click EntityOpen the creation dialog by clicking the entity button as shown in Figure 1.62: Entity creation from the ribbon menu.
3. Creation Parameters

Set the parameters required for the entity creation. Most entities have common parameters as follows.

NameSet the name of entity.
Show Property DialogUse to display the property dialog on the screen after creating the entity.
4. ApplyCreate the entity and close the dialog.
5. Apply & RestartCreate the entity and restart the creation operation for another entity.
6. CancelClose the dialog without creating the entity.

The other creation method starts from the sub-entity window. All sub-entities can be created in this way. For more information about sub-entity creation, see Sub-Entity Creation.