14.2. Body To DT

Body To DT automatically creates Drivetrain entities such as shaftset, gearset, bearing, housing, and clutch. And Body To DT also automatically assembles the entities by using 3D CAD. In order to use Body To DT, Imported 3D CAD name must be changed according to the rule.

Figure 14.13: Summary of Body To DT

Summary of Body To DT

The order of modeling using Body To DT is as follows.

Figure 14.14: Operation steps to use Body To DT

1st stepImport 3D CAD file.
2nd stepRename rigid bodies referring as Rules for Naming
3rd stepCreate DT entities using Body To DT.
4th stepAssemble DT Entities using Body To DT.
5th stepModel the others entities, for example constraint, or force entities.