3.15.2. Beam FE Body Operations

A Beam FE Body generates a finite element with beam and solid4 elements. A solid4 element is not considered for stiffness but it is used for contact geometry. To create a Beam FE Body for contact, the points at both ends of the beam must be selected, and the Y direction, radius, and number of nodes must be entered. This operation is described in the figure and table below.

Figure 3.120: Beam FE Body dialog

Beam FE Body dialog

Figure 3.121: Description of parameters in the Beam FE Body dialog

1. Mesh File PathUse to set the file name and path to create the mesh file.
2. Start PositionUse to set Start Position of the Beam
3. End PositionUse to set End Position of the Beam
4. Y DirectionUse to set the direction vector which determines the reference frame of the beam element with Equation 3–23 ~ Equation 3–27 (for a Beam Element).
5. RadiusUse to set the radius of the section.
6. No. of beam nodesUse to set number of beam nodes in the longitudinal direction.
7. No. of circular nodesUse to set number of circular nodes in the section.
8. NameUse to set name of the created Beam.
9. Control buttonsIf all necessary parameters are set, these buttons are enabled. For more information about the control buttons, refer to Entity Creation.