2.1.1. Classification of Home Features

The Home tab consists of tools, view control, subsystem assembly and window control panels.


Figure 2.1: List of tools in the Edit panel

Object Control Translate or rotate an object in the working window.
Measure Measure the mass of a body, or distance or angle between two markers or geometries.

View control

Figure 2.2: List of features for view control

View change Translate or rotate the working window.
RenderingSet how to display body geometry in the working window.
View focusChange the focus of the viewport.
Cutting planeSet the cutting plane in the working window.


Figure 2.3: List of features for assembly

Subsystem Assemble a subsystem file into the working subsystem.
Interface Interface an entity in a child subsystem with another entity in the parent subsystem.

Window control

Window Control - tools to hide, show, activate and close various windows.