5.5.3. Ball Joint Output

Constrained force and torque and outputs for friction torque are reported in the Motion Postprocessor. The definitions for constrained force and torque are the same as for Revolute Joint Output. The torques for the joint become zero because there are no constraint equations.

The definitions of outputs for friction torque are shown in the table below.

Figure 5.46: Definition of outputs for friction torque

Stiction DeformationDefinition of outputs for friction torqueThe stiction deformation is the relative displacement moved under the stiction range, and it is defined in Equation 5–8 of Friction in a Revolute Joint in the Motion Theory Reference.Length
Relative VelocityDefinition of outputs for friction torqueThe relative velocity is determined by a sliding velocity at a contact point between contacted surfaces, and it is defined in Equation 5–4 of Friction in a Revolute Joint in the Motion Theory Reference.Length/Time
Friction CoefficientDefinition of outputs for friction torqueThe friction coefficient is determined by the relative velocity and stiction deformation and defined in Equation 5–5, Equation 5–9, and Equation 5–10 of Friction in a Revolute Joint in the Motion Theory Reference.N/A
Frictional TorqueDefinition of outputs for friction torqueTotal frictional torque is defined in Equation 5–15.Force*Length
Reaction ForceDefinition of outputs for friction torqueThe radial reaction force is the constrained force applied to the action marker in the x-y plane of the base marker.Force
Frictional Torque by Radial Reaction Force Definition of outputs for friction torqueThe frictional torque by radial reaction force is defined in Equation 5–12.Force*Length
Pretorque Definition of outputs for friction torquePretorque is used to represent a frictional torque by pre-load.Force*Length
Frictional Torque by Pretorque Definition of outputs for friction torqueThe frictional torque by Pretorque is defined in Equation 5–11.Force*Length