1.4.3. New Model

Creating a New Model is the first step in building a model. If the model is a simple, it is better to start by creating a New File instead. New Model can be accessed from the File Menu and Quick Access Toolbar. Several properties can be defined when a New Model is created, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 1.38: New Model

New Model

The dialog properties are described in the following table.

Figure 1.39: Description of properties of New Model

1. Type

Set the type of model. A model is classified to help manage modeling files for each project as follows.

StandardUsed to create a subsystem file and a typical model structure which consists of subsystem, mesh and part folders.
CarUsed to create a model structure to build a Vehicle system.
Links (Chain)Used to create a model structure to build a Links (Chain) system.
DrivetrainUsed to create a model structure to build a Drivetrain system. This model can be used to simulate NVH analysis of a gear transmission system.
EmptyUsed to create a typical model structure which consists of subsystem, mesh and part folders.

The folder structure for each model type is shown in Figure 1.40: Work folder structure for each Model type.

2. NameSet the name of the Model.
3. LocationSet the location of the folder that contains the files for the Work and Model.
4. WorkDetermine whether the new Model is added to a newly created Work or an existing Work.
5. Create folder for workDetermine whether a model folder is created below the work folder or not. When this option is cleared, the Model file is generated in the Work folder.
6. Work NameShow or set the name of the Work.
7. OKClose the property dialog, create the new Model and go to the next step (New File in the case of a standard Model).
8. CancelClose the property dialog and stop the creation of a new Model.

The Work folder structure for each model type is as follows:

Figure 1.40: Work folder structure for each Model type

Work folder structure for each Model type