9.7.4. DOE Analysis Results

The DOE Analysis Result is displayed in the working window during DOE simulation and the final analysis results can be reopened by clicking the Analysis Result button DOE in the Simulation panel as shown in the figure below.

Figure 9.84: Quick access to the DOE Analysis Result

Quick access to the DOE Analysis Result

Additionally, the DFDOE file which contains the analysis result of DOE can be opened from the File Menu.

The analysis result window consists of three sections as shown in the figure and table below.

Figure 9.85: Analysis Result window for DOE

Analysis Result window for DOE

Figure 9.86: Description of DOE Analysis Result

ParameterSymbolDescriptionDimension (Range)
1. Result TableN/AUse to show the DOE simulation results. For more information, see the Figure 9.87: Property of DOE result table and Figure 9.88: Description DOE result table properties.N/A
2. PI ParameterN/AUse to open Figure 9.79: Performance Index properties. When the result type, time duration, "MIN/MAX", or weight factor are modified, the DOE result table will be updated.N/A
3. Chart ControlN/AUse to set the contents for the x and y axes of chart. For more information, see Figure 9.89: Chart control properties in DOE and Figure 9.90: Description of chart control properties in DOE.N/A
4. ChartN/AUse to draw the performance indexes for trials and sensitivity which means the variances of the performance indexes per variances of design parameter. The parameter study only supports the sensitivity. For more information, see Figure 9.91: Chart properties in DOE and Figure 9.92: Description of chart properties in DOE.N/A

The properties of the DOE result table are described in the figure and table below. For the objective function and performance index, the blue and red colors mean the best and worst solutions, respectively.

Figure 9.87: Property of DOE result table

Property of DOE result table

Figure 9.88: Description DOE result table properties

ParameterSymbolDescriptionDimension (Range)
1. TitleN/AUse to show the contents and names of performance indexes, and design parameters. When one of titles is clicked, the result table is arranged in descending or ascending order. For example, if you click the title box of objective function, the result will be arranged in ascending order by the magnitude of objective function. And then, if you click one more time, the result will be rearranged in descending order.N/A
2. CheckN/AUse to enable or disable the specified trial in the chart. If the box is unchecked, the trial will be ignored in drawing a chart.N/A
3. RunN/AUse to show the sequence of trial.N/A
4. Objective FunctionN/A

Use to show the result of objective function each the trial. The objective function in the jth trial of

Description DOE result table properties

can be calculated as follows.

Description DOE result table properties

where, Description DOE result table properties , Description DOE result table properties , Description DOE result table properties , and Description DOE result table properties  are the number of performance index, the weight factor, the performance index, and the magnitude of performance index. The "i" and "j" means the ith performance index and jth trial. The ith magnitude of performance index of Description DOE result table properties  is calculated as follows.

Description DOE result table properties

where, Description DOE result table properties  is the number of trial.

If the performance index must be maximized, it is changed to inverse number and then the objective function is calculated with the above equations.



5. Performance IndexN/AUse to show the results of performance indexes for each trial .



6. Design ParameterN/AUse to show the design parameter set for each trial.



The chart control properties are described in the figure and table below. The chart control is used to set the x-axis and y-axis of the sensitivity chart and the y-axis of the "Run-PI" chart. The design parameters are the x-axis and the performance indexes are the y-axis for the "Sensitivity" chart. For the "Run-PI" chart, the no. of run is the x-axis and the performance indexes are the y-axis.

Figure 9.89: Chart control properties in DOE

Chart control properties in DOE

Figure 9.90: Description of chart control properties in DOE

ParameterSymbolDescriptionDimension (Range)
1. Solution TypeN/AUse to set the solution type to Run - Performance Index or Sensitivity. If the Run - Performance Index is selected, the x-axis control of content 3 is disable. Because the x-axis must be the number of run.N/A
2. Chart TypeN/AUse to set the chart type of "Bar", "Dot"", or "Line". For the sensitivity chart, the bar type is recommended. For the scatter diagram, the dot type is recommended. The line type is better in finding the best or worst solution.N/A
3. X-axisN/AUse to set the x-axis of the chart. The left table shows all design parameters. After selecting the design parameters in the left table, click the upper arrow button. The specified design parameters are displayed in the right table. And then, they will be the x-axis of the chart. If you want to remove a design parameter, click the lower arrow button after selecting the design parameters in the right table.N/A
4. Y-axisN/AUse to set the y-axis of the chart. The left table shows all performance indexes. After selecting the performance indexes in the left table, click the upper arrow button. The specified performance indexes are displayed in the right table. And then, they will be the y-axis of the chart. If you want to remove a performance index, click the lower arrow button after selecting the performance indexes in the right table.N/A
5. PlotN/AUse to draw a graph in the chart window.N/A
6. ExportN/AUse to export the numeric data of the graph which is displayed on the chart window. The exported file is a text file.N/A

The chart properties are described in the figure and table below. As shown in the figure below, the upper and lower graphs are the samples of line and bar types, respectively.

Figure 9.91: Chart properties in DOE

Chart properties in DOE

Figure 9.92: Description of chart properties in DOE

ParameterSymbolDescriptionDimension (Range)
1. Name of ChartN/AUse to show the name of chart. If you click the tab, the corresponding chart will be displayed. And if you click the arrow buttons, the front or back chart will be displayed.N/A
2. Performance IndexN/AUse to show the names of performance index in the y-axis.N/A
3. X-axisN/AUse to show the name and value of x-axis.N/A
4. Y-axisN/AUse to show the value of performance index in the y-axis.N/A