6.13.5. UNV (Universal) File Creation in Maxwell

Maxwell format - Element based

Step 1 - Open a model in the Maxwell application.

Step 2 - Set the harmonic force as rotor and stator and then change the Type to Element Based (Surface) (see below).

Figure 6.96: Force setting for element-based type

Force setting for element-based type

Step 3 - Set the Export Options to Motion.

Figure 6.97: Export setting for element-based type

Export setting for element-based type

Step 4 - Export the transient force.

- Parametric Setup: If you are running the analysis using parameters such as a multi-RPM model, select the entity in Parametric Setup.

- Solution Setup: Select the analysis setup you want to export.

- Path: Set the directory in which to export the analysis result.

Figure 6.98: Export transient force window

Export transient force window

Maxwell format - Object based

Step 1 - Open a model in the Maxwell application.

Step 2 - Set the harmonic force as rotor and stator and then change the Type to Object Based. To do this, objects must be added for each tooth of the stator.

Figure 6.99: Force setting for object-based type

Force setting for object-based type

Step 3 - Set the Export Options to Motion.

Figure 6.100: Export setting for object-based type

Export setting for object-based type

Step 4 - Export the transient force.

- Parametric Setup: If you are running the analysis using parameters such as a multi-RPM model, select the entity in the Parametric Setup.

- Solution Setup: Select the analysis setup you want to export.

- Path: Set the directory in which to export the analysis results.

Figure 6.101: Export transient force window

Export transient force window

Maxwell UNV format

Step 1 - Open a model in the Maxwell application.

Step 2 - Set harmonic force as rotor or stator and then change the Type to Element Based (Surface). This step must be done for both rotor and stator.

Figure 6.102: Force setting for unv format

Force setting for unv format

Step 3 - Set the Export Options to UNV.

Figure 6.103: Export setting for unv format

Export setting for unv format

Step 4 - Export transient force.

- Parametric Setup: If you are running the analysis using parameters such a multi-RPM model, select the entity in the Parametric Setup.

- Solution Setup: Select the analysis setup you want to export.

- Path: Set the directory in which to export the analysis results.

Figure 6.104: Export transient force window

Export transient force window