1.5.6. Modeling Options for a New File

When creating a new file such as a subsystem or subsystem template, several modeling options can be defined as shown in the figure and table below.

Figure 1.54: Modeling option settings

Modeling option settings

Figure 1.55: Modeling option settings

1. Design Point Modeling Option

Used to set advanced options for the design point. When the Advanced option is selected, a design variable can be used as one of the components of the design point. Suppose that a design variable is defined as X1 with a value of 10. The table below shows the possible usage in the design point.

Design Point ExpressionSimpleAdvanced
10, 0, 0OO
X1, 0, 0XO
2. Symmetric OptionEnable symmetric modeling of sub-entities such as spline, design variable, design point, and design frame.

These properties cannot be modified once the file has been created. You can go to the previous step by clicking Back, finish the file creation operation by clicking Finish, and cancel the file creation by clicking Cancel.