7.6. Tie Contact

Tie Contact represents bonding forces between two nodal flexible bodies at the action nodes. Tie Contact can be represented by constrained equations where nodes on the action surface are fixed to the base surface. Contact surfaces of a Patchset or Edgeset on two tied bodies must be specified to create the contact. Tie contact calculates its force based on the penalty method. The action force is applied to the action node and an equal and opposite reaction force is applied at the same position on the base body. Tie Contact is only available for contact between nodal flexible bodies and can be created in a .dfmesh file as well as in a subsystem. By using Tie Contact in a .dfmesh file, the separated mesh can be treated as a single flexible body. If imported FE data has bonded contact that is defined in Workbench, Tie Contact is automatically created in the .dfmesh file.