1.7. Pickers

Several pickers are available to pick single or multiple objects as follows.

Figure 1.73: Overview of pickers

Point Picker Use to select a point. A position vector is required for the picker. This picker can get the position of geometries such as circle center, vertex, point on surface, and so on.
Direction Picker Use to select a direction. A direction vector is required for the picker. This picker can get the direction of geometries such as plane normal, surface normal, axial direction, and so on.
Orientation Picker Use to set an orientation matrix. There are several ways to calculate the orientation matrix, as detailed in this section.
Transform Picker Use to set a transformation matrix. The transformation matrix can be calculated as a position and orientation matrix.
MultiFace Picker Use to select multiple faces which belong to a body. This picker is used to create a Faceset.
MultiNode Picker Use to select multiple nodes. This picker is used to create a Nodeset.
MultiPatch Picker Use to select multiple patches. This picker is used to create a Patchset.
MultiEdge Picker (FE Body)Use to select multiple nodes. The edgeset consists of edges created through a set of nodes. This picker is used to create an Edgeset.
MultiGeneral Picker Use to select multiple entities and sub-entities.
General Picker Use to select an entity or sub-entity.
Faceset Picker Use to select a Faceset.
Patchset Picker Use to select Patchset. This picker is used to create FTR3D or FTF3D contact.
Node Picker Use to select a node of an FE body. This picker is used to create a marker in a mesh.
Color Face Picker Use to select multiple faces by using face color. This picker is used to create a Faceset.
MultiEdge Picker (Rigid Body)Use to select multiple edges which belong to a body. This picker is used to create a Curveset.
Color Edge Picker Use to select multiple edges by using edge color. This picker is used to create a Curveset.