Several pickers are available to pick single or multiple objects as follows.
Figure 1.73: Overview of pickers
Picker | Description |
Point Picker | Use to select a point. A position vector is required for the picker. This picker can get the position of geometries such as circle center, vertex, point on surface, and so on. |
Direction Picker | Use to select a direction. A direction vector is required for the picker. This picker can get the direction of geometries such as plane normal, surface normal, axial direction, and so on. |
Orientation Picker | Use to set an orientation matrix. There are several ways to calculate the orientation matrix, as detailed in this section. |
Transform Picker | Use to set a transformation matrix. The transformation matrix can be calculated as a position and orientation matrix. |
MultiFace Picker | Use to select multiple faces which belong to a body. This picker is used to create a Faceset. |
MultiNode Picker | Use to select multiple nodes. This picker is used to create a Nodeset. |
MultiPatch Picker | Use to select multiple patches. This picker is used to create a Patchset. |
MultiEdge Picker (FE Body) | Use to select multiple nodes. The edgeset consists of edges created through a set of nodes. This picker is used to create an Edgeset. |
MultiGeneral Picker | Use to select multiple entities and sub-entities. |
General Picker | Use to select an entity or sub-entity. |
Faceset Picker | Use to select a Faceset. |
Patchset Picker | Use to select Patchset. This picker is used to create FTR3D or FTF3D contact. |
Node Picker | Use to select a node of an FE body. This picker is used to create a marker in a mesh. |
Color Face Picker | Use to select multiple faces by using face color. This picker is used to create a Faceset. |
MultiEdge Picker (Rigid Body) | Use to select multiple edges which belong to a body. This picker is used to create a Curveset. |
Color Edge Picker | Use to select multiple edges by using edge color. This picker is used to create a Curveset. |