1.7.5. MultiFace Picker

The MultiFace Picker is used to select a set of faces on a rigid body to make a Faceset as shown in the figure and table below.

Figure 1.86: MultiFace Picker properties dialog

MultiFace Picker properties dialog

Figure 1.87: Description of MultiFace Picker properties


1. Description of MultiFace Picker properties 

Set the selection method as Rectangular, Radius, Diameter, or Polyline.

Description of MultiFace Picker properties

2. Adj (Adjacent)Select faces adjacent to the seed face using an angle parameter. There are two angle options. See the combo box in label 8.
3. FacesetSelect an existing Faceset by using Faceset Picker.
4. Description of MultiFace Picker properties Add or remove a face. When the plus button is active, you can add faces by dragging a selection. When the minus button is active, you can remove faces by dragging a selection. When both buttons are deactivated, the selection mode will be changed to single selection. New selections are not added to the previous selection and selected faces are updated every time a selection is made.
5. Description of MultiFace Picker properties Select faces with orientation towards the screen. This works with both single and multiple selections. If this option is active, only faces with a normal direction towards the screen will be selected.
6. Description of MultiFace Picker properties Select the face nearest to the screen. When this option is active, only one face will be selected.
7. Description of MultiFace Picker properties Select all faces which belong to a body.
8. Edge Tangential/Face Normal Angle

Determine how to calculate the relative angle between two adjacent faces. This option is enabled when the Adjacent option (2) is selected. When Edge Tangential Angle is selected, the relative angle is calculated from two tangent vectors of adjacent faces as follows.

Description of MultiFace Picker properties

When Face Normal Angle is selected, the relative angle is calculated from two normal vectors of adjacent faces as follows.

Description of MultiFace Picker properties

9. AngleSet the angle parameter by entering the value directly or by using the slider bar. If the relative angle from 8 (above) is smaller than or equal to the specified angle, the face will be selected.
10. Face FilterSet the geometry type filter to Any, Plane, Cylindrical or Spherical shape.
11. Face ListDisplay the list of selected faces.
12. ColorSelect faces which have same color as the seed face.
13. OK/CancelClose the picker dialog. When OK is clicked, the selected faces are applied to the parent entity. Otherwise, when Cancel is clicked, the selected faces are not applied.
14. Description of MultiFace Picker properties Select the interior or exterior of the selected range.
15. Description of MultiFace Picker properties Select whether or not to include entities intersecting the selection boundary.

The combination of   (front direction) and   (nearest) options has the following characteristics.

Figure 1.88: Usage of the front direction and nearest options

Front DirectionNearestSelected Faces
Usage of the front direction and nearest options
Usage of the front direction and nearest options
Usage of the front direction and nearest options