4.1.1. Group Entity Classification

There are three kinds of groups in Motion.

  • Group

Figure 4.1: Group entities used to switch properties

Group Use to switch options of multiple entities simultaneously.

  • Beam Group

Figure 4.2: Group entities to manage multiple entities

Beam Group Use to create a beam group which includes bodies and beam forces.

  • Multiple Contact

Figure 4.3: Group entities to manage multiple contact entities

Auto Contact Use to create an auto contact group. The facesets and contacts are automatically created and their contact properties can be modified simultaneously.
M by N Contact Use to create an M by N contact group. The contacts between M base geometries and N action geometries are automatically created and their contact properties can be modified simultaneously.
N Combination Contact Use to create an N combination contact group. The combined contacts between N contact geometries are automatically created and their contact properties can be modified simultaneously.