7.8.3. Sphere to Multi-Curve Contact Properties

Contact parameters such as contact stiffness, damping, and friction coefficients and geometry properties such as the base and action contact surfaces are defined in the Sphere to Multi-Curve Contact property dialog. The definitions of the parameters on the Characteristic tab is same as for General Contact Properties. The parameters on the tabs for the action and base contact geometries are defined as shown in the figure and table below.

Figure 7.25: Geometry tabs in the Sphere to Multi-Curve Contact property dialog

Geometry tabs in the Sphere to Multi-Curve Contact property dialog

Figure 7.26: Geometry tabs in the Sphere to Multi-Curve Contact property dialog

ParameterSymbolDescriptionDimension (Range)
1. NameN/AUse to show the name of the Curvesets for the base contact surface.N/A
2. Profile PointN/AUse to show the number of profile points for the Curveset. The number of profile points of each Curveset must be the same. If they have a different number, the contact surface can not be defined.N/A (Integer>1)
3. Close LoopN/AUse to set the flag for the close loop. When this option is selected, the start and end points of the Curveset will be located at the same position and the tangential vectors at these points will be aligned in the same direction.N/A
4. PropertyN/AUse to open Curveset Properties by clicking the access button.N/A
5. Select CurvesetN/AUse to add or remove Curvesets for the base contact surface using the MultiGeneral Picker.N/A
6. Number of Slice…N/A

Use to set the number of slices between the two Curvesets as shown in the figure below.

Geometry tabs in the Sphere to Multi-Curve Contact property dialog

The internal curves will be candidates when a contact point is investigated.

N/A (Integer>0)
7. Preview GeometryN/AUse to show the contact surface from the Curvesets.N/A
8. General PropertiesN/AUse to set the general properties for the contact surface. See General Contact Properties.N/A
9. Parent BodyN/AUse to set the action body for the sphere.N/A
10. Center Position
Geometry tabs in the Sphere to Multi-Curve Contact property dialog
Use to set the center position of the sphere geometry.



11. Radius
Geometry tabs in the Sphere to Multi-Curve Contact property dialog
Use to set the radius of the sphere geometry.



12. Preview GeometryN/AUse to show the contact geometry for the action sphere.N/A
13. Control buttonsN/AIf all necessary parameters are set, these buttons are enabled. For more information about the control buttons, refer to Entity Properties Access and Modification.N/A