1.3.6. Settings

Figure 1.15: Setting dialog

Setting dialog

The Setting dialog defines the default program values used to control the precision of the double data type, accuracy of a body mass, view point, solver type, automatic saving time, graphics accelerator settings and so on, as shown in the figure above. When a settings group is selected from the left panel, the related features are displayed in the dialog. The properties of these features are described in the table below.

Figure 1.16: Description of Settings

Description of Settings
1. Significant digit after decimal pointControls the precision of a value when a string is converted into a double data type.
2. Imported CADSets the precision when CAD is imported. This has an effect on the accuracy of the mass properties of the CAD geometry. As this value increases, accuracy decreases.
3. Internal GeometrySet the geometry precision for inertia calculation. A lower value will achieve higher accuracy but at lower performance.
4. Viewport presetSets the default viewport for the working window. You can select from Car, Standard and User defined.
5.Use Auto SaveDetermine whether to use the auto-save option. If this option is selected, the file will be saved periodically.
6. Interval (Minute)Sets the period for the auto-save.
7. Temp PathSets a user-defined temporary path instead of using the TEMP path defined in the System Environment variables.
Description of Settings
1. Axis LocationSets the axis location in the working window.
View Control
Description of Settings
1. PRESETSelects a pre-defined view type.
2. ResetResets to the default view.
3. View ControlChanges the view control method.
4. Use Trackball RotateSets the rotation method. The default setting is to have the trackball run half a turn from the top to the bottom of the working window.
5. Rotate SpeedSets the rotation speed, If the Use Trackball Rotate option is cleared, this function is enabled.
6. Zoom SpeedSets the zoom speed.
Description of Settings
1. Use default start pageUse the default start page.
2. Show another pageSets a user-defined page as the start page. A website address can be defined as a start page.
3. Number of Recently Used FilesSets the number of recently-used files that are displayed on the start page.
4. Close start page after work is loadedCloses the start page when a work item is loaded from the working window.
5. Show start page at startupShows the start page in the working window while the Preprocessor is starting up.
Description of Settings
1. RenderingSelects the rendering type. Depending on your graphics card and driver, you can select either OpenGL or Direct3D. If visualization has problems, they may be solved by selecting a different type.
Description of Settings
1. User ribbon pathShows the path of template files for the ribbon menu.
2. Browse…Set a folder where the template files for the ribbon menus are located.
Description of Settings
1. Complete creation process automaticallyCompletes the entity creation operation automatically.
2. Use dockable windowsSets the picker and creation dialog as the dockable windows.
Double Click
Description of Settings
1. SubsystemDetermines the operation when double-clicking. When double-clicking a Subsystem in the working window, either its property dialog or the subsystem file can be opened using this option.
2. Assembled BodyDetermines the operation when double-clicking. When double-clicking an Assembled Body (Rigid Body) on the working window, either its property dialog or the part file can be opened using this option.
3. Flexible BodyDetermines the operation when double-clicking. When double-clicking a FE Body in the working window, either its property dialog or the mesh file can be opened using this option.
Description of Settings
1. Use JournalCreates a journal file automatically. This journal file is created at the specified path whenever the Preprocessor is started. The recording is then stopped when the Preprocessor is closed.
2.Automatically generate a file pathDefines the journal file name or path. When this option is selected, the journal file is automatically created at the specified file path. Otherwise, if this option cleared, you must define the journal filename and path.
Description of Settings
1. Number of Undo/Redo StepsDefines the maximum number of allowable steps for the Undo and Redo operations.
Description of Settings
1. SolverSelects the solver version. The solver is used when the Preprocessor performs a co-simulation.
Description of Settings
1. Maximum Number of Normal ModeSets the maximum number of solved normal modes during eigenvalue analysis.
2. Use Bound FrequencyDetermines whether the solved frequency is bounded or not.
3. Lower Bound Frequency (Hz)Set the lower bound frequency.
4. Upper Bound Frequency (Hz)Set the upper bound frequency.
Text Editor
Description of Settings
1. Text editor pathSets the text editor path.
2. Use custom arguementSets custom arguments to be passed to the text editor.