3.9.1. Creation of a Surface With Curvesets Entity

Figure 3.72: Surface With Curvesets on the Body ribbon

Surface With Curvesets on the Body ribbon

Figure 3.73: Steps to create a Surface With Curvesets entity

1st stepSelect Body from the ribbon menu as shown in the figure above.
2nd stepSelect the Surface With Curvesets entity as shown in the figure above.
3rd stepSelect the *.csv file that contains the path information of the faceset center axis, such as the extrusion line, to create the curveset.
4th stepSelect a Faceset you have already created.
5th stepSelect the curveset created on the line where the Faceset edge path starts.
6th stepSelect the curveset created on the line where the Faceset edge path ends.
7th stepSelect how many slices to create.
8th stepEnter the radius value of the virtual vertical plane to cut the Faceset. The Cutting Plane Radius must be large enough to cut the Faceset from the center of the path, and should be adjusted so that no discontinuous cutting lines occur on the cutting plane.
9th stepUse this field to change the entity name, if necessary.
10th stepClick Apply or Apply & Restart.

Figure 3.74: Create Surface With Curvesets dialog

Create Surface With Curvesets dialog