As shown in the figure below, properties such as Name, Parameter, Interface, Symmetric and so on can be defined in the User Subroutine sub-entity window. General Sub-Entity Properties have been introduced in Figure 8.18: General properties of sub-entity pages and toolbar and the special properties are defined in the table below.
Figure 8.44: User Subroutine properties
Parameter | Symbol | Description | Dimension (Range) |
1. ![]() | N/A | Duplicate the selected entity. This option is activated when all fields of the entity are selected. | N/A |
2. Parameter | N/A | Use to display the input parameters for the User Subroutine. These are defined in the expression field for each User Subroutine property window. When the parameter is set to an entity name, the ID of the parameter will be displayed. When the parameter is a value, the value will be displayed. | N/A |
3. DLL File | N/A | Use to display the name of DLL file which contains the User Subroutine. | N/A |
4. Interface | N/A | Enable to use the interface option. If this option is selected, the User Subroutine can be defined as in Interface. | N/A |
5. Parameter window | N/A | Use to define the input parameters and their comments for the User Subroutine. When the all fields in the row are selected, the parameter can be removed by pressing the Delete key. | N/A |
6. No. | N/A | Use to display the ID of the input parameter. When this field is double-clicked, an entity such as a marker, body or force can be selected using the General Picker. | N/A |
7. Expression | N/A | Use to define the input parameter. This can defined with a constant value or the name entity. | N/A |
8. Comment | N/A | Use to define a comment for the parameter. | N/A |
9. Result Name | N/A | Use to define the names of returned values. These names may be used in the Motion Postprocessor. | N/A |
10. Function | N/A | Use to define the name of the User Subroutine. | N/A |
11. No. of Return Value | N/A | Use to define the number of return values. When this is set to one, the User Subroutine may be a subroutine for a motion, equation, pressure load or scalar force. For other cases, this value must be greater than one. | N/A |
12. DLL | N/A | Use to define the name of the DLL file. The User Subroutine must be defined in this file. | N/A |
13. Report Only | N/A | Use to set the report type for the User Subroutine. When this option is selected, the subroutine will be called only at report time. When this option is cleared, the User Subroutine can be called at every successful completion time, which includes report time. If the selected User Subroutine is used in another motion, force, or contact, this option is not available. In this case, the user subroutine is always called at every routine by the Motion solver. | N/A |