12.10.1. Creation of Massless Track Link Entity for Links

Figure 12.178: Massless track link entity from the ribbon menu

Massless track link entity from the ribbon menu

Figure 12.179: Steps to create a Massless Track Link Entity

1st stepSelect Links from the ribbon menu as shown in the figure above.
2nd stepSelect the Massless Track Link entity as shown in the figure above.
3rd stepSelect base geometry. The base geometry can be a Faceset entity.
4th stepSelect marker. The parent body of the marker is hull body.
5th stepDefine path`s type, marker and winding radius.
6th stepDefine track thickness.
7th stepDefine track width.
8th stepDefine entity name.
9th stepClick the Apply or Apply & Restart button.

Figure 12.180: Massless Track Link entity creation dialog

Massless Track Link entity creation dialog