14.9.3. EHD Bearing Properties

Oil, surface, mesh and stiffness information such as viscosity and surface roughness properties must be defined in the property dialog of the EHD Bearing. The parameters on the Characteristic tab must be defined as shown in the figure and table below.

Figure 14.289: EHD Bearing property dialog

EHD Bearing property dialog

Figure 14.290: Description of parameters in the EHD Bearing property dialog




1. Dynamic viscosityμDynamic viscosity of fluid used in the EHD bearing.



2. Asperity contact check boxN/A

Select to include the asperity contact pressure effect which is related to bearing surface conditions.[a]

Description of parameters in the EHD Bearing property dialog.

3. Surface RoughnessσSurface roughness.Length
4. Elastic ModulusE'

Effective Young's modulus of elasticity of the bearing contact pair.

Description of parameters in the EHD Bearing property dialog.

5. Elastic FactorKUsed in the Asperity contact pressure calculation.-
6. Compliance check boxN/A

Select to include elastic deformation of soft bushing material in the film thickness calculation.

Description of parameters in the EHD Bearing property dialog.

7. ComplianceL

Used to consider elastic deformation of soft bushing material.

Description of parameters in the EHD Bearing property dialog

d: bushing depth

8. Definition of Base Geometry-To confirm position and directions for base body geometry definition (bearing).-
9. Definition of Action Geometry-To confirm position and directions for action body geometry definition (shaft).-
10. Dimension-To confirm radius and width of the journal bearing. 
11. EHD solver MeshE.A.Use to define the mesh number for the EHD solver. Use the preview button to confirm mesh quality.-

12. Control


N/AIf all necessary parameters are set, the control buttons are enabled. For more information about these control buttons, refer to Entity Properties Access and Modification.N/A

[a] Greenwood JA, Williamson, JBP., The contact of two nominally flat surfaces, Proceedings Roy. Soc., A295, 1966, 300-319