6.12.2. Tire Properties

Force parameters are defined in the Tire property dialog as shown in the figure and table below.

Figure 6.54: Tire property dialog

Tire property dialog

Figure 6.55: Description of parameters in the Tire property dialog

ParameterSymbolDescriptionDimension (Range)
1. TypeN/ADisplays the tire force type defined in the Tire Property File (*.tir).N/A
2. TIR fileN/AUse to select a TIR file.N/A
3. Control buttonsN/AIf all necessary parameters are set, these buttons are enabled. For more information about the control buttons, refer to Entity Properties Access and Modification.N/A

The graphics of the wheel body can be represented as shown in the figure below.

Figure 6.56: Graphics of a Wheel body

Graphics of a Wheel body

Wheel body parameters are defined in the Body property dialog as shown in the figures and table below.

Figure 6.57: General and Scale tabs in the Wheel body property dialog

General and Scale tabs in the Wheel body property dialog

Figure 6.58: Geometry and Road tabs in the Wheel body property dialog

Geometry and Road tabs in the Wheel body property dialog

Figure 6.59: Description of parameters in the Wheel body property dialog

ParameterSymbolDescriptionDimension (Range)
1. SideN/AUse to select Left or Right to specify the attached location of tire.N/A
2. CM Offset
Description of parameters in the Wheel body property dialog
Use to set an offset from the position of the tire marker to the position of the CM of wheel body in the lateral (spin) direction.



3. Mass
Description of parameters in the Wheel body property dialog
Use to set the mass of the wheel body.


(Real > 0)

4. Ixx IyyDescription of parameters in the Wheel body property dialog ,Description of parameters in the Wheel body property dialog Use to set the mass moment of inertia of the wheel body in the longitudinal and vertical directions.


(Real > 0)

5. Izz
Description of parameters in the Wheel body property dialog
Use to set the mass moment of inertia of the wheel body in the lateral (spin) direction.


(Real > 0)

6. Wheel Center Offset
Description of parameters in the Wheel body property dialog
Use to set an offset from the position of the tire marker to the center position of wheel graphic in the lateral (spin) direction.



7. TypeN/ADisplays the tire force type defined in the Tire Property File (*.tir).N/A
8. TIR fileN/AUse to select a Tire Property File (*.tir).N/A
9. Longitudinal Velocity
Description of parameters in the Wheel body property dialog
Use to set the initial velocity of the wheel body in the longitudinal direction (x-axis).



10. Spin Velocity
Description of parameters in the Wheel body property dialog
Use to set the initial angular velocity of the wheel body in the lateral direction (y-axis).



11. GeometryN/ADisplay the name of the body and geometry type.N/A
12. Geometry ParameterDescription of parameters in the Wheel body property dialog ,Description of parameters in the Wheel body property dialog ,Description of parameters in the Wheel body property dialog Displays the Unloaded Radius, Width, and Aspect Ratio defined in the TIR file. The tire graphics are determined from these parameters as shown in Figure 6.52: Tire creation dialog.Length, Length, N/A
13. Transparency and ColorN/AUse to set the transparency and color of the wheel body.N/A
14. ReloadN/AUse to reload the TIR file. If the geometry parameters are changed in the file, the changed wheel body will be displayed when clicking this button.N/A
15. RoadN/AUse to select a Road Data File (*.rdf).N/A
16. Control buttonsN/AIf all necessary parameters are set, these buttons are enabled. For more information about the control buttons, refer to Entity Properties Access and Modification.N/A
17. Unload Radius OffsetN/AUse to set a force offset due to the unloaded radius.



18. Lateral Force Scale FactorN/AUse to set the scale factor for lateral force.



19. Overturning Moment Scale FactorN/AUse to set the scale factor for overturning moment.



20. Aligning Torque Scale FactorN/AUse to set the scale factor for aligning torque.



21. Plysteer Force OffsetN/AUse to set a force offset due to the plysteer.



22. Conicity Force OffsetN/AUse to set a force offset due to the conicity.



23. Plysteer Torque OffsetN/AUse to set a torque offset due to the plysteer.



24. Conicity Torque OffsetN/AUse to set a torque offset due to the conicity.

