1.5.3. New File

Creating a New File is usually the second step in building a model. If you start this operation without creating a New Model, this will instead be first step. New File can be accessed from the File Menu and Quick Access Toolbar. As shown in the figure below, several properties can be defined when a new file is created.

Figure 1.46: New File

New File

The properties are described in the following table.

Figure 1.47: New File properties

1. Group

Select the group for the modeling purpose. The file is classified to manage modeling files easily for each product as follows.

GeneralSelect files for general purpose modeling.
CarSelect files for vehicle modeling.
Links (Chain)Select files for Links (Chain) modeling.
DrivetrainSelect files for Drivetrain system modeling.
2. CategoryArrange files by category or in alphabetical order. For more information about the category, see File Categories.
3. Icon SizeSet the icon size for the file. There are two options, large and small.
4. TypeSelect the file type to be created. For more information about types, see File Types.
5. FilenameSet the name of the new file.
6. LocationSet the location of the new file.
7. Add to modelUse to determine whether the new file is added to an existing Model and to select that Model.
8. OKClose the property dialog and go to the next operation in the sequence; Unit System for a New File ,Gravity in a New File, Modeling Options for a New File and so on (see table below).
9. CancelClose the property dialog and stop the file creation process.

Additional operations are required to create a new file as follows.

Figure 1.48: Additional operations for a New File

Unit System for a New File Set the unit system.
Gravity in a New File Set the acceleration of gravity.
Modeling Options for a New File Set advanced modeling options.
Creating a New File from a Template Set the template file.
Subsystem Settings for a New File Set the subsystem files.

As with file type, the required operations differ as in the following table.

Figure 1.49: Additional operations and file categories for a New File

  • S.S. refers to a subsystem file.

  • F.P. refers to a force property file.

  • S.T. refers to a subsystem template file.

  • S.F.T. refers to a subsystem from a template file.