6.12.3. Tire Output

Kinematics of the wheel body and forces are reported in the Motion Postprocessor as shown in the table below.

Figure 6.60: Definition of Tire outputs

Definition of Tire outputs
The longitudinal force applied on the wheel at the contact point. This force is defined in Tire Force for FIALA type.Force
Definition of Tire outputs
The lateral force applied on the wheel at the contact point. This force is defined in Tire Force for FIALA type.Force
Definition of Tire outputs
The vertical force applied on the wheel at the contact point. This force is defined in Tire Force for FIALA type.Force
Definition of Tire outputs
The overturning moment applied on the wheel at the contact point. This force is zero for FIALA type.Force*Length
Definition of Tire outputs
The rolling resistance applied on the wheel at the contact point. This torque is defined in Tire Force for FIALA type.Force*Length



Definition of Tire outputs
The aligning moment applied on the wheel at the contact point. This torque is defined in Tire Force for FIALA type.Force*Length
Definition of Tire outputs
The longitudinal slip ratio. This is defined in Tire Force.N/A
Definition of Tire outputs
The lateral slip ratio. This is defined in Tire Force.N/A
Definition of Tire outputs
The inclination angle. This is the relative angle between the upward direction of the wheel and the vertical direction of the contact point.Radian
Definition of Tire outputs
The rolling radius.Length
Definition of Tire outputs
The actual angular velocity of the wheel body in the spin axis.Radian/Time
Definition of Tire outputs
The free angular velocity of the wheel body in the spin axis.Radian/Time