5.21.3. Boundary Condition Output

Summation constrained force and torque at the base marker and nodal constrained force and torque at each node are reported in the Motion Postprocessor as shown in the table below.

Figure 5.78: Definition of outputs of Boundary Condition

Force_on_Base_Marker (at BC) Definition of outputs of Boundary Condition The accumulated reacting force vector on the base marker is defined in Boundary Condition.Force
- Measure_in_Base_Marker Definition of outputs of Boundary Condition

The accumulated reacting force vector is transformed into the reference frame of the base marker as follows:

Definition of outputs of Boundary Condition

Torque_on_Base_Marker (at BC) Definition of outputs of Boundary Condition The accumulated reacting torque vector on the base marker is defined in Boundary Condition.Force*Length
- Measure_in_Base_Marker Definition of outputs of Boundary Condition

The accumulated reacting torque vector is transformed into the reference frame of the base marker as follows:

Definition of outputs of Boundary Condition

Force_on_Base_Marker (at Node) Definition of outputs of Boundary Condition The reacting force vector on a node is defined in Boundary Condition.Force
- Measure_in_Base_Marker Definition of outputs of Boundary Condition

The reacting force vector is transformed into the reference frame of the base marker as follows:

Definition of outputs of Boundary Condition

Torque_on_Base_Marker (at Node) Definition of outputs of Boundary Condition The reacting torque vector on a node is defined in Boundary Condition.Force*Length
- Measure_in_Base_Marker Definition of outputs of Boundary Condition

The reacting torque vector is transformed into the reference frame of the base marker as follows:

Definition of outputs of Boundary Condition
