
Manages all meshing functions and tools for a model. Includes global controls that govern the entire mesh.

Object Properties

The Details properties for this object include the following.



Display Style: Enables you to change the display of the mesh in the graphical display window based on different criteria. The Display Style options include the following:

Note:  The use of Display Style to color mesh according to quality and the use of Mesh Metrics to view quality statistics are mutually exclusive. For example, when you are viewing Mesh Metrics, you cannot also view the mesh quality by color.


Physics Preference

Solver Preference (appears if Physics Preference is CFD)

Export Format (appears if Physics Preference is CFD and Solver Preference is Fluent)

Export Preview Surface Mesh (appears if Physics Preference is CFD, Solver Preference is Fluent, and Export Format is Standard)

Export Unit (appears if Physics Preference is CFD and Solver Preference is Polyflow)

Note:  Solver Preference also appears in the Mechanical application if the Physics Preference is Mechanical in a Transient Structural or Rigid Dynamics system during the initial geometry attach. See Solver Preference for more information.

Element Order

Element Size


Use Adaptive Sizing


Initial Size Seed


Span Angle Center

Capture Curvature

Capture Proximity

Curvature Min Size

Curvature Normal Angle

Proximity Gap Factor

Proximity Size Function Sources

Proximity Min Size

Use Uniform Size Function for Sheets

Growth Rate

Max Size

Enable Washers

Mesh Defeaturing

Defeature Size

Bounding Box Diagonal

Average Surface Area

Minimum Edge Length


Check Mesh Quality

Error Limits

Target Element Quality

Target Skewness

Target Jacobian Ratio (Corner Nodes)

Target Characteristic Length (LS-DYNA)

Target Aspect Ratio (Explicit)


Mesh Metric


Use Automatic Inflation

Inflation Option

Transition Ratio

Maximum Layers

Growth Rate

Number of Layers

Maximum Thickness

First Layer Height

First Aspect Ratio

Aspect Ratio (Base/Height)

Inflation Algorithm

Inflation Element Type

View Advanced Options

Collision Avoidance

Fix First Layer

Maximum Height over Base

Gap Factor

Growth Rate Type

Maximum Angle

Fillet Ratio

Use Post Smoothing

Smoothing Iterations

Batch Connections

Mesh Based Connection

Mesh Type

Triangle Reduction


Number of CPUs for Parallel Part Meshing

Straight Sided Element: Appears if the model includes an enclosure from DesignModeler.

Rigid Body Behavior

Triangle Surface Mesher

Topology Checking

Use Sheet Thickness for Pinch

Pinch Tolerance

Generate Pinch on Refresh

Sheet Loop Removal

Loop Removal Tolerance


Nodes: Read-only indication.

Elements: Read-only indication.

Show Detailed Statistics: Read-only indication.

Model Assembly

The Model Assembly category and Read Only property display when you have assembled files from upstream sources (Mechanical Model, analysis systems, etc.). Options include Yes (default) and No. See the Mesh Modification section for more information.

Tree Dependencies

Insertion Methods

Appears by default when geometry is attached.

Right-click Options

In addition to common right-click options, relevant right-click options for this object include:

API Reference

See the Mesh section of the ACT API Reference Guide for specific scripting information.

Additional Related Information