Pinch Control

The Pinch control lets you remove small features (such as short edges and narrow regions) at the mesh level in order to generate better quality elements around those features.

When Pinch controls are defined, the small features in the model that meet the criteria established by the controls will be "pinched out," thereby removing the features from the mesh. You can instruct the Meshing application to automatically create pinch controls based on settings that you specify (as described in Pinch Control Automation Overview), or you can manually designate the entities to be pinched, as described below in Defining Pinch Controls Locally.

For an overview of pinch controls and details on pinch control automation, refer to Pinch. For general information on applying pinch controls in combination with the various mesh method controls, refer to Meshing: Mesh Control Interaction Tables. For general information about pinch control usage, see Usage Information for Pinch Controls.