Showing Mappable Faces

You can display faces that are "mappable" according to the criteria detailed under Face Meshing Control.

To display mappable faces:

  1. Select the Mesh object or any mesh control object.

  2. Right-click to display the context menu.

  3. Select Show> Mappable Faces in the menu. All mappable faces are highlighted in the Geometry window.

  4. Right-click the Mesh object or mesh control object and select Insert> Face Meshing. In the Details View, the Geometry field shows the number of faces that are mappable and therefore were selected.

By default, Definition>Mapped Mesh is set to Yes, which means the faces in the Face Meshing control are mapped by default.

To edit the selected set of faces, click the Geometry field in the Details View to activate it. Then in the Geometry window, select the mappable faces that you want to use in the Face Meshing control. Click Apply in the Details View to complete your selection. Then proceed with the procedure described in Face Meshing Control.