Rigid Body Behavior

The Rigid Body Behavior option determines whether a full mesh is generated for a rigid body, rather than a surface contact mesh. Rigid Body Behavior is applicable to all body types. Valid values for Rigid Body Behavior are Dimensionally Reduced (generate surface contact mesh only) and Full Mesh (generate full mesh). The default is Dimensionally Reduced unless the Physics Preference is set to Explicit. For more information, refer to Rigid Body Meshing.

For Explicit, the default behavior is Full Mesh, but Dimensionally Reduced is also available. The differences between the two options when the Physics Preference is set to Explicit are highlighted in the table below.

Explicit behavior Full Mesh (default)Dimensionally Reduced
Rigid propertiesFrom Mesh, computed in Explicit SolverFrom Geometry, computed in Mechanical
MeshTets/hexas for solids, Quad/tria for shellsQuad/tria for both solids and shells