Clearing Generated Data

You can clear generated data from the database using a right-mouse click menu item. You can either clear all mesh and results data (if applicable) from a model, or clear the mesh data on a selected part or body.

  • When you clear the mesh, the status of the part or body will indicate that it is not meshed.

  • When used on parts and bodies that have been joined by mesh connections, the Clear Generated Data option works as follows, where the "base" mesh, which is stored in a temporary file, is the mesh in its unsewn (pre-joined) state:

    • If a base mesh is available, the mesh is reverted to the base mesh and the requested parts/bodies are cleared.

    • If no base mesh is available, the entire mesh is cleared and a warning message is issued. Reasons the base mesh may not be available include situations in which you have deleted your temporary files, exported a .mechdat file for someone else to use, or moved your project database to a different computer.

    • All mesh connections in the model, including those not associated with the selected body or part, are cleared.

    • Because a Node Move cannot be undone, Clear Generated Data is not available from the Mesh Edit context menu when the Mesh Edit object has only Node Move objects as children.

To clear all mesh and results data from a model - from the object tree:

  1. Select the Mesh object in the Tree Outline.

  2. Right-click to display the context menu.

  3. Select Clear Generated Data in the context menu.

  4. When asked whether you want to clear the data, click Yes.

To clear the mesh data from the selected part or body - from the object tree:

  1. Select the part or body in the Tree Outline.

  2. Right-click to display the context menu.

  3. Select Clear Generated Data in the context menu.

  4. When asked whether you want to clear the mesh, click Yes.

To clear the mesh data from the selected body - from the Geometry window:

  1. Select the Mesh object.

  2. Select the bodies in the Geometry window.

  3. Right-click to display the context menu.

  4. Select Clear Generated Data On Selected Bodies in the context menu.

  5. When asked whether you want to clear the mesh, click Yes.

To clear the mesh data from the selected part - from the Geometry window:

  1. Select the Mesh object.

  2. Select the part in the Geometry window.

  3. Right-click to display the context menu.

  4. Select Parts> Clear Generated Data in the context menu.

  5. When asked whether you want to clear the mesh, click Yes.