
The Pinch feature lets you remove small features (such as short edges and narrow regions) at the mesh level in order to generate better quality elements around those features. The Pinch feature provides an alternative to Virtual Topology, which works at the geometry level. The two features work in conjunction with one another to simplify meshing constraints due to small features in a model that would otherwise make it difficult to obtain a satisfactory mesh.

When Pinch controls are defined, the small features in the model that meet the criteria established by the controls will be "pinched out," thereby removing the features from the mesh. You can instruct the Meshing application to automatically create pinch controls based on settings that you specify, or you can manually designate the entities to be pinched. Pinch controls can be applied to solid and shell models, with certain restrictions as shown in the table below.

The Pinch feature is supported for the following mesh methods:

Volume Meshing:

Surface Meshing:

The table below shows the types of model (solid or shell), mesh methods, pinch creation methods (auto or manual), and pinch behaviors that are supported for each type of pinch control.

Note:  With Ansys Workbench Release 16.0, post pinch behaviors are migrated into Mesh Connections. When you regenerate a mesh that was created using Pinch Behavior settings, the new mesh might report different results than the previous mesh.

Entities in Pinch Control: Primary > SecondaryModel TypeMesh MethodPinch Creation Method
SolidShellPatch ConformingThin Solid SweepingHex DominantQuad DominantAll TriMultiZone Quad / TriAuto PinchManual Pinch
Edge > VertexXXXXXXXX X
Vertex > VertexXXXXXXXXXX
Face > Edge X   XXX X
Face > Vertex X   XXX X

Examples of a Mesh With and Without Pinch

The figures below illustrate the effect of pinch controls on the mesh. The first figure shows where the pinch controls have been defined in the model. The second and third figures show the meshes that are generated without the pinch controls and with the pinch controls, respectively.

Figure 69: Locations of Pinch Controls

Locations of Pinch Controls

Figure 70: Mesh Generated Without Pinch Controls

Mesh Generated Without Pinch Controls

Figure 71: Mesh Generated With Pinch Controls

Mesh Generated With Pinch Controls

For More Information

For general information on applying pinch controls in combination with the various mesh method controls, refer to Meshing: Mesh Control Interaction Tables.