Straight Sided Elements

The Straight Sided Elements option (which is displayed when the model includes an enclosure from the DesignModeler application), specifies meshing to straight edge elements when set to Yes. You must set this option to Yes for Electromagnetic simulations.

This option may affect the placement of midside nodes if the Element Order option is set to Quadratic.

Example 3: Midside Node Placement with Straight Sided Elements

In this example, the mesh is generated with straight sided elements with midside nodes.

Generating the mesh without straight sided elements results in midside nodes that capture the curvature of the model. If an element edge corresponds to geometry that is curved, the element's edge will be curved. Likewise, if an element edge corresponds to geometry that is straight, the element's edge will be straight.

Straight Sided Elements is not available if the Element Order option is set to Linear.