Face Meshing Control

Face meshing controls enable you to generate a free or mapped mesh on selected faces. The Meshing application determines a suitable number of divisions for the edges on the boundary face automatically. If you specify the number of divisions on the edge with a Sizing control, the Meshing application attempts to enforce those divisions.

To set the Face Meshing controls, highlight Mesh in the Tree Outline, and right-click to view the menu. Select Insert> Face Meshing. You can also click Mesh in the Tree Outline, and select the Mesh Control Context Toolbar, then select Face Meshing from the drop-down menu.

Definition>Mapping is set to Yes by default, also exposing Constrain Boundary and Advanced settings. If Mapping is set to No, the Mesher will perform a free mesh and the Constrain Boundary and Advanced settings are not available.

Note:  To assist you in defining face meshing controls, you can use the Show Mappable Faces feature to select all mappable faces automatically and highlight them in the Geometry window.

Mapped Face Meshing is supported for the following mesh methods:

Volume Meshing:

Surface Meshing:

Note:  For general information about applying mapped Face Meshing controls in combination with the various mesh method controls, refer to Meshing: Mesh Control Interaction Tables.