Mesh Defeaturing

The Meshing application automatically defeatures small features and dirty geometry according to the Defeature Size you specify here.

Mesh defeaturing is supported for the following mesh methods:

Solid Meshing:

Surface Meshing:

For the Patch Independent Tetrahedron, MultiZone, and MultiZone Quad/Tri methods, the Defeature Size you set here will be populated to the local (scoped) method controls. If you subsequently make changes to the local settings, the local settings will override the global Defeature Size set here. See the descriptions of the individual methods for more information.

See Protecting Topology Defined Prior to Meshing for details on protecting defeatured topology.

The options for defining mesh defeaturing are described below.

Mesh Defeaturing

Use the Mesh Defeaturing control to enable and disable defeaturing. When Mesh Defeaturing is Yes (default), features smaller than or equal to the value of Defeature Size are removed automatically.

Defeature Size

Defeature Size is available only when Mesh Defeaturing is set to Yes. Specify a positive value to set the global tolerance for defeaturing, or accept the default. Specifying a value of 0.0 resets the Defeature Size to its default, which is determined by the Mechanical Defeature Size Factor or CFD Defeature Size Factor preference specified in the Options dialog box. If you retain the default Defeature Size and subsequently modify the Element Size , the default Defeature Size is recalculated to reflect the size factor preferences.

  • If a user-defined value has been specified for Defeature Size, that value will be used for everything—sheets and solids. In addition, the value will not update dynamically if you modify the Element Size because user-defined values are always retained.

  • If you allow the Defeature Size to default and you modify the mesh size by applying local sizing controls (for example, local face or edge sizing), the tolerance may be modified automatically. In such cases, a warning message is issued to notify you that the global defeature size has been modified. To prevent this behavior, manually specify a value for Defeature Size.

  • Some bodies or parts might be ignored if the Defeature Size is too high. If this happens, the body will be considered to be meshed but will have no elements. These bodies or parts can be suppressed if desired. To capture these bodies or parts in the mesh, regenerate the mesh with a reduced Defeature Size.

  • If the geometry contains close vertices, setting the Defeature Size can resolve them.

    On the Graphics Options toolbar, you can click the Close Vertices button to determine if there are any close vertices in the model, and then set the Defeature Size to a value that will sufficiently defeature any extra vertices.

  • You can also set the Defeature Size on a body, face, or edge by inserting a local size control.